Addressing Trigger Points for Shoulder Pain

The body contains thousands of tiny muscles that work together to support and move the body. These muscles are often referred to as ‘muscles’ because they can contract to make us move. Each power has a tendon that attaches to a bone or joint. When these muscles contract, they can create tension and pressure on the tendons attached to the bone or joint. This is called ‘tension.’ When pressure is relieved, that’s called ‘relieving pressure.’ Muscles can create tension and ease stress both in the same movement. These are known as trigger pointsShoulder pain is common and often challenging to diagnose. If you’re reading this, you’ve likely suffered from shoulder pain.

The most common causes of shoulder pain include: The Shoulder is a complex joint made up of a few different bones and ligaments. When working together, these bones allow the Shoulder to rotate, lift, and move in various directions. Although the Shoulder is a vital joint, it’s also the most vulnerable joint in the body. That’s because other joints don’t have to support the weight of your upper body. The Shoulder has to support the weight of your arms and torso. In addition, the Shoulder has one of the highest stress levels of any joint.

Trapezius Muscles

taping Trapezius Muscles

The trapezius muscles, also known as the upper traps, are triangular muscles that run from the side of your neck down your back to your shoulders. When these muscles are contracted, they strengthen your upper trapezius and increase the size of your scapular stabilizers (the muscles that support your shoulders). Tight or shortened trapezius muscles can lead to pain in your shoulders, neck, and sometimes even your back. If your upper trapezius muscle is closed, you may feel it in other body parts. For example, a related muscle, the middle trapezius, can be tender when your upper trapezius is tight. And the lower trapezius muscle can also be tight when your upper trapezius is tight. Each of these muscles can cause pain in its way.

Shoulder injuries are common. The Shoulder Clinic at the University of Texas Orthopedic Hospital sees more than 100 shoulder injuries daily. Fortunately, most shoulder injuries can be treated at home with the right self-care plan. Shoulder injuries can be caused by various factors, including overextension, twisting, and overhead activities.

Treatment depends on the cause, severity, and duration of the pain. In most cases, you will need to address these aspects when considering a treatment plan. If you’re ready to find relief from shoulder pain, we have a program called Muscle Imbalances Revealed. Click here to find out more.

The above were two great exercises for those with shoulder conditions.

He goes into much more detail when it comes to the shoulder function, injuries of the Shoulder, and what to do about muscle imbalances in the Shoulder (The main reason for shoulder pain). In his presentation called, Addressing Muscle Imbalances in the Shoulder.

Here is a clip from the presentation:

Addressing Muscular Imbalances in the Shoulder

I think that is it. Have a great day.

Eric has been doing a great job putting all kinds of great videos on his YouTube videos. Make sure to check them out.

Rick Kaselj

Shoulder Pain Solved