How Does this Apply to Me?

How Does this Apply to Me

How Does this Apply to Me?

I love getting feedback from EFI readers and how this applies.

It is incredible the amazing people that read EFI and the challenges people have, but they keep going.

Just like Steve.


This sounds so wonderful. How does one apply all this, except the weight loss, to someone that has spinal cord injuries, three back surgeries, nerve damage, and trouble with walking & balance?

I work out in my home gym at least four times per week including cardio on the treadmill and stationary bike. I have found that most trainers and PTs do not have a clue on what I should do, and ask a doctor you might as well talk to aboard.

Is the Tyler & Sylvia program only for the able body? If they can help my situation I would be so grateful.  I know I will never be as I was, just a little improvement would be so much appreciated.

Thank you,

Steve G

I am so empathetic to your situation Steve 🙁

As someone who has suffered from 2 acute knee injuries, I know what you mean when you say that doctors are about as useless as a hot tub in the Sahara.

So to help you out, I wanted to let you know the inner workings of how we created this system and how you and people with injuries can use better movement techniques to reduce your aches, pains, and chances of exacerbating your injury further.

First of all, the program’s co-creator is a Pilates expert who brought a unique angle on core stability to the program. Many of the sequences contained in the Bodyweight Flow System focus on the ability to stabilize your core in unique positions rather than staying within the box of traditional rehab exercises like the plank.

Progressive Movement Concept

We also applied a progressive movement concept while filming these videos, which is why we have three different levels for you to choose from. These Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced sequences piggyback on each other, so you improve not only your stability, control, and movement capacity but also your movement complexity.

This is extremely important for people who suffer from injuries because they need to develop a better sense of control around common movements to reduce the risk of future injuries.

Although the sequences in the Bodyweight Flow System help increase oxygen uptake during exercise, which aids in the accelerated burning of fat. The true value of spending time each day practicing movement extends well beyond the increased fat burn.

In reality, improving movement is your only tool when faced with injuries. Let me explain.

Since I have had multiple knee injuries, there is no way I can squat, lunge, walk or run incorrectly without noticing an immediate impact on the feel and integrity of my joint. If something slips even slightly out of alignment, I am instantly and painfully reminded that I am moving poorly.

For this reason, I encourage people with injuries to view them as a guru living inside of you, constantly teaching them rather than a curse you have no control over. And the tool you are given from this guru is instant feedback on whether you are doing something right or wrong.

Recurring Pain

As in the case of a back injury, recurring pain is likely associated with misalignment of your structure or inability to stabilize through a given movement. This doesn’t mean it is forever impossible to perform “functional” movements, but it means that you cannot perform them incorrectly.

By practicing specific movement sequences slowly, you will develop a deep relationship with your body and the injuries you’ve sustained. From my experience, this enlightened relationship with your movement can only do good things, provided you listen to the guru whisper when you perform movements improperly.

The bottom line is this.

Injuries happen. Sometimes acutely, where you have little or no control, or sometimes from chronic imbalances fostered in your body. The ONLY way to overcome these injuries is to develop a deep relationship with your ability to control your body properly. Improving movement is the underlying “magic” behind The Bodyweight Flow System.

Tyler Bramlett

Bodyweight Blender