How to Get Medical Referrals with Michael Y. Seril

How to Get Medical Referrals with Michael Y Seril

Last week, I talked to a friend, and she said how busy she is. She has a full training schedule. The cool thing is almost all of her clients are injury clients. She is the only person in her area that focuses on this niche.

Every day she gets calls from lawyers, doctors, and referrals from friends for her services. If you are looking at getting more training clients, think about specializing in clients with injuries. It is a massive opportunity that most fitness professionals ignore.

Today, I have an interview with a trainer who has developed strong relationships with his medical community. This has led to him being the go-to fitness professional in his area and a steady stream of injury clients. Make sure to take the time to listen to this interview or download it and listen to it in the car.

Enjoy the interview!


CLICK HERE to listen to the interview with Michael Y. Seril on How Fitness Professionals Can Help the Medical Community.

What  Michael Y. Seril Shares in the Interview:

  • Who is Michael Y. Seril?
  • How did he start getting medical referrals?
  • The power and opportunity of doing community presentations.
  • Why should you have a media kit?
  • What were the steps he took to get clients through medical referrals?
  • Doctors are not the only medical referrals. Others refer to fitness professionals.
  • Patients and clients talk about you to their doctors.
  • Shares fitness professionals’ benefits in working with the medical community.
  • What professions other than doctors should fitness professionals connect with?
  • Discussed the importance of education and fitness certifications to help your clients get the results they need and for your business to grow.
  • How he incorporates medical referrals into his business
  • What common mistakes do fitness professionals make in connecting with medical service providers to get referrals?
  • Shares tips on what fitness professionals can do to effectively connect with the medical community.medical referral

A few things you need to know about listening to the interview:

  • To listen to the interview, scroll to the bottom of this page and click the play button symbol. If you do not have time to listen to it, click the “download” button and download it to your computer. Then you can listen to it on your computer when you like.
  • Also, the interview is up on iTunes. You can listen to it HERE or subscribe to the iTunes podcast and get all the interviews when they are ready. Enjoy!
  • If you use Chrome as your web browser, it can sometimes act up when playing the interview. I suggest listening to the discussion in another web browser (Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc.)
  • Here is a video explaining how to download the interview recording

If you have a neat specialization or business information that would be of benefit for fitness professionals to know about, please do contact me, and I would love to share it with the EFI world.

If you know of a fitness professional that may benefit from this, please forward it to them.

Take care.

Rick Kaselj, MS

P.S. – If you liked this kind of interview, here are some other discussions that may help you:

Cabel-McElderry-3-Steps-to-Getting-Medical-Referrals 112-howto-CD-2-LARGE

Slim & Heal
