How To Stretch Your Hip Flexors If You Are Wearing a Skirt

How To Stretch Your Hip Flexors If You Are Wearing a Skirt

A couple of days ago, I sent out a video on the best stretches to do if you end up sitting all day. Someone got back to me and asked…

“I can’t do some of those stretches because I wear a skirt all day. Is there any hip flexor stretch you suggest for people who wear a skirt at work?”

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.

The specific stretch that she was unable to do was because she wore a skirt.

90-90 Hip Flexor Stretch

If you wore a skirt to work, you can see that this would be difficult to do.

Stretching the hip flexors is essential if you sit for long periods. When you sit, your hips are flexed, and your hip flexors are in their contracted position. Over time, your hip flexor muscles get tight, stiff, and sore. This can create muscle imbalances all over the body, leading to back pain, knee pain, and hip pain. If you cannot do the 90-90 hip flexor stretch, try out the alternatives in this post.

1. 90-90 Hip Flexor Stretch 1st Alternative

90-90 Hip Flexor Stretch Alternative 1
1st Alternative

One Alternative is to have your feet hip-width apart, take a step back, tighten up your abdominal area, and tighten up your glutes. Bring your hips forward and look for a light stretch in the hip flexor and the back leg. This stretch requires less movement but more muscle activation, so you will have to play around with it to find a good stretch in the hip flexors. This is a great alternative.

2. 90-90 Hip Flexor Stretch 2nd Alternative

90-90 Hip Flexor Stretch Alternative 2
2nd Alternative

This is the second Alternative, depending on what type of skirt you wear.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and stagger your feet as much as you can. Tighten up your abdominal area and your glute, and arch back. Look for a light stretch in the hip flexor and the back leg. This Alternative is similar to the first one, except you are arching your back. This will help to stretch the front of your hips.

So, there you go!

If you are sitting a lot and wearing a skirt,  stretch out those hip flexors from sitting for a long time with those two different stretches. Make sure you try out these alternatives, especially if you can’t do the 90-90 hip flexor stretch, which I think is the best for targeting that hip flexor.

Final Word

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Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

For your guide to unlocking your tight and painful hip flexors, check out Unlock Your Hip Flexors here!

Unlock Your Hip Flexors