Incorporating Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishing Products into Your Clients Program with Cari Lee Stevens

Incorporating Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishing Products into Your Clients Program with Cari Lee Stevens

A nutritional cleanse is a program that involves eating a minimal amount of food for a set amount of time. It is designed to detoxify the body and remove toxins and ‘bad’ nutrients from the digestive system. Most cleanses include eating fewer calories, exercising regularly, and drinking lots of water. The idea behind nutritional cleansing is that the body has accumulated toxins from the air and food we breathe.

Cleanses help the body “detoxify” and eliminate these toxins. The idea is that the body has specific organs to filter “bad” substances. But sometimes, these organs become overloaded and can’t do their job well. As a result, toxins remain in our bloodstream, which can lead to many health problems.

Nutrition is a big part of any lifestyle, not just when following a specific diet. Eating the right foods and doing so often is more important than focusing on one particular type of food or certain nutrients. That’s because different diets emphasize different aspects of nutrition; for example, some focus on proteins and fats while others emphasize carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

We live in a time when knowledge about what we eat has become far more accessible thanks to the Internet. As a result, many diets purport to be best for our health. But whatever diet you follow, you must have a healthy balance of what you eat (and keep eating it consistently).

How to Incorporate Cleansing and Replenishing Products into Your Client’s Program

When incorporating cleansing and replenishing products into your program, it’s essential to remember that there is no right or wrong way to do so. Your clients may have different dietary needs and goals than you do, and what works for you may not work for them. You can encourage cleansing and replenishment by sharing articles and studies that are relevant and useful.

This can be as simple as recommending a specific book or podcast, sharing an article on social media, or including a link with an online program like you would with any other piece of advice. As with any part of your program or advice, it’s essential that both you and your clients understand the why behind it. This will help ensure that clients are comfortable with and knowledgeable about the advice you give.

Why Is Nutritional Cleansing Important?

Nutritional cleansing aims to draw toxins and wastes out of the cells and organs. This is a natural process for a healthy, balanced person, but several different lifestyle factors can impede it. Contrary to popular belief, cleansing is not just a fad diet. There is a scientific basis for letting go of surplus and unhealthy substances for the body to function at its best.

The use of different natural substances has a long tradition in many cultures and is offered as a non-medical and non-invasive method for cleansing. There is also medical evidence that certain herbs, fruits, and vegetables benefit our bodies. Some of the substances used for cleansing are also known for their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties. This means that cleansing can be a perfect thing for our health.

How to Incorporate Cleansing and Replenishing Products into Your Client’s Program

When incorporating cleansing and replenishing products into your program, it’s essential to remember that there is no right or wrong way to do so. Your clients may have different dietary needs and goals than you do, and what works for you may not work for them. You can encourage cleansing and replenishment by sharing articles and studies that are relevant and useful.

This can be as simple as recommending a specific book or podcast, sharing an article on social media, or including a link with an online program like you would with any other piece of advice. As with any part of your program or advice, it’s essential that both you and your clients understand the why behind it. This will help ensure that clients are comfortable with and knowledgeable about the advice you give.

Today is a little bit of a fitness business interview.

Enjoy the interview!

Today is a little bit of a fitness business interview.

Enjoy the interview!

CLICK HERE to listen to the interview with Cari Lee Stevens on Incorporating Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishing Products into Your Client’s Program.

What Cari Lee Stevens  Shares in the Interview on Incorporating Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishing Products into Your Client’s Program: 

  • Who is Cari Lee Stevens?
  • How her personal experience as a trainer led her to a better understanding of the importance of proper nutrition
  • The negative impacts of skipping meals and how it affected her life and her job
  • How she used her illness as a turning point in changing her bad eating habits and making her business grow
  • What is nutritional cleansing?
  • How she started incorporating detoxification and cleansing in her business to help her clients in attaining better health
  • Importance of introducing new nutrition products to your clients
  • Information about her Isagenix business and how it works

Nutritional cleansing and replenishment can be good for your health and help make following a healthy diet more accessible and sustainable. Cleansing and replenishing can also help you feel better both physically and mentally. Now that you know how important it is to include nutritional cleansing and replenishing in your diet, you can ensure you do everything you can to stay healthy and fit. Make sure to discuss your diet with your doctor or a nutritionist to find out what changes you can make to make your diet healthier.

A few things you need to know about listening to the interview:

  • To listen to the interview, click on the play button symbol at the bottom of this page. If you don’t have time, just click the ‘download’ button and save it to your computer. Then you can listen to it on your computer whenever you want.
  • If you have a neat specialization or business information that would be of benefit for fitness professionals to know about, please do contact me, and I would love to share it with the EFI world.
  • If you know of a fitness professional that may benefit from this, please forward it to them.
  • Here is a video explaining how to download the interview recording

Please feel free to contact me if you have any exciting fitness information or specializations to share with EFI’s global community of fitness professionals

If you know of a fitness professional that may benefit from this, please forward it to them.

Take care.

Rick Kaselj, MS

P.S. – If you liked this kind of interview, here are some other articles that may interest you:

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