What To Do About Hip Pain When Driving

In this video, I went over a question I received in the Exercises for Injuries Secret Group about hip pain when driving. The secret group is where people going through my programs can go to get answers to their questions from me, interact with other people who are going through the same program they are using, and get feedback from my friends who are in the health and medical field.

Now, here’s a question from ET:

Hi Rick, can you give me some advice? I get pain in the front of my right leg. I think one would say in the thigh. For example, if I drive for a while, my leg is on the gas and I can hardly stand the pain to move my leg sideways to get out of the car. First, I thought it was coming from my low back then I thought maybe it’s comingv from my knee. Now, I think maybe it’s coming from my hip. I am 72 and have some arthritic changes in my lower back and right knee as seen on X-ray. I have not had X-rays done on the hip. What do you think might be helpful?

Thank you very much for the question, ET. From what you have explained there, it might be a hip issue. Once again, it isn’t easy to know exactly without you being in front of me.

I wanted to give you three things that you can do to address the front of the thigh and hip tightness.

CLICK HERE to watch the video.

I had Sheena demonstrate.

1. Back Arches

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Put your hands on your seat as if you were going to put your hands in your pockets. Arch your back and then relax. Try to go progressively further and further back. Do this for five repetitions.

Back Arches

Back Arches

We are stretching the front of the hip dynamically, working on the rectus femoris and other hip flexors. We are also working on the mobility of the back by loosening up the back. Do one set of 5 repetitions in a smooth, controlled movement with a brief hold at the end position.

2. Standing Hip Flexor Stretch

Use the wall to eliminate balance so you can focus on the stretch.

Standing Hip Flexor Stretch

Standing Hip Flexor Stretch

Take a big step back with your toes pointing straight ahead. Raise the ball of your back foot and lift your heel. Tighten your abdominal area, tighten your glutes, and bring your hips forward. Look for a static stretch in the hip flexor and the rectus femoris or thigh area. This is the front of the hip/thigh area. Hold this position for about 20 seconds.

What we did in the previous exercise was a dynamic stretch. Do this twice on each side, alternating back and forth. With this exercise, you are looking for a light stretch but not ripping apart the muscle.

3. Strengthening the Core and the Abdominal area

It is common for overactive hip flexors, the front of the thigh muscle or the rectus femoris, that people are weak in their Core when it comes to unilateral work. Spend some time working on strengthening your Core while working on leg movement.

Strengthening the Core and the Abdominal area

Strengthening the Core and the Abdominal area

Lie on your back, and brace or tighten up your abdominal area. Lift your leg at 90 degrees, with your knee coming over the hip, and lower back down. Alternate back and forth. Switch to the other side while still tightening the abdominal area.

I suggest going through this three times on each side, alternating while holding that abdominal area. Relax after doing the repetitions. Keep a smooth, controlled movement. The abdominal area should be tight the entire time, while the curve in your lower back stays the same.

Give those three exercises a go, and let me know if you have any questions. Share your results with the community in the Exercises for Injuries Secret Group.

Final Word

Enter in your injury or pain. There’s a good chance I have an article, an interview, or a video to help you overcome your injury or pain. Make sure to swing by ExercisesForInjuries.com.

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Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

Lastly, if you are looking for a comprehensive solution to dealing with tight hip flexors, you should click here to take a look at the program Unlock Your Hip Flexors.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors