Woman of Steel Workout with Kate Vidulich

Woman of Steel Workout with Kate Vidulich

Today, I have a Woman of steel workout for you. From Kate Vidulich.



Hey, I am Kate Vidulich, a Metabolic Training Expert from FatLossAccelerators.com.

Today, I am excited because I’ve got a special “Woman of Steel Workout” for my buddy Rick Kaselj and his awesome followers over at Exercises For Injuries.

Now, this workout is a Fat Loss Accelerator workout based upon a hybrid metabolic complex formula, which means that when we set up this workout, we move from one exercise to the next and the next in succession with very little rest between the moves.

Each of these exercises is one of the big movements. It’s one of the squats, push movement, or a pull, all of these movements burn a ton of calories and save you heaps of workout time.

The idea is to get as much work done in the shortest time possible, with the correct form. You don’t want to get your form sloppy. This will create a metabolic response that will boost your afterburn, and in turn, it accelerates your fat loss results. We will go through one of these workouts so you can try it at home.

Woman of Steel Workout

Today, the Woman of Steel Workout doesn’t involve any equipment. You have no excuse to try it. And using a bodyweight accelerator right is great if you’ve had an injury or are just getting started on these moves.

We will go through with the moves, and then we will rock it out.

We’ve got Bodyweight Accelerator, and it is #7 of the Fat Loss Accelerator Workouts manual. We’ve got five moves, and we will work out each one back to back without any rest. It’s an insane challenge.

The first move we will do is the Prisoner Reverse Lunge, and it’s the low-ride version which I will show you in just a second. You will do eight on each leg. Then we got Diamond Press Up, and we will do eight of those. Next, we will move into the Spiderman Planks, and you will do eight on each leg. We are also going to do some Jump Squats with eight reps. And to finish it all off, we’ve got 50 Jumping Jacks.

You are going to go through each one of them without resting. And then, if you need to take a break, please do so that you can maintain perfect form throughout the continuing circuits.

We are going to do it for five rounds altogether.

You want to time yourself over the month as you do these workouts to replace your intervals. Or your cardio, you are going to see that your time is going to improve. You get fitter, you get stronger, and your conditioning gets better.

You want to time yourself and go through each move, resting as little as possible.

Prisoner Reverse Lunge

Let me show you the moves so then you can crack it out. We are going to start with the Prisoner Reverse Lunge.

Woman of Steel Workout

Prisoner means hands on my head, don’t interlock your hands because you don’t want to pull your neck. Remember, hands up, feet shoulder-width apart, and then you are going to step back down, and you are going to step forward with the same form. You will switch and stay down nice and low, holding that to a position. You do eight on each leg. That gets a big burning in the quads, which will help to increase the number of calories you burn and boost the intensity of the workout.

Diamond Press Up

Then you dive down to the ground and do the Diamond Press Up. Make sure you go force plank because otherwise, it will suck.

Woman of Steel Workout

You will put your hands into a diamond shape, and then you will exhale and push yourself up. Don’t move your shoulders out; you want to go just to the point of almost locking out, and then you are pressing up. You should feel the back of your arms. You are going to do it for eight reps. With that one, make sure your elbows go back. Don’t swing your elbows like a chicken because this is not a farm.

Spider Plank

The next move is if you are down with it and will do the Spiderman Plank.

Spiderman Plank

You are on a plank to start with. Lift your right leg to the side, and you will bring it out towards your right hand. Then you are going to switch to the left. You are going to feel this burning in your obliques and your core. Make sure that you engage your abs tight the whole time so that you can maximize the burn.

Jump Squats

The next move is you are back up and going to do eight Jump Squats.

Woman of Steel Workout

You will bring your knees, exhale, jump up, and straight up as you land. You see, I am landing like a fairy, nice and light. That’s how you have to land.

Total Oblique Extension

If you have knee issues, you can sub that one and do the Total Oblique Extension, which is bending your knees and throwing yourself up. That’s your substitution.

Total Oblique Extension

Jumping Jack

The final move is the Jumping Jacks. You are jumping down nice and wide with your feet. Perfect. Okay, that is the final one. You are going to finish with fifty repetitions.

Jumping Jacks

All of these moves are part of the insane bodyweight challenge, which I am throwing out to you today to give a try.

This workout is straight out of the Fat Loss Accelerators Bodyweight Manual, insane bodyweight accelerators, which is also right now for a limited time only. You can access all these workouts and more fun by clicking the link below the video.


Now, these workouts, like I said, replace cardio intervals. You don’t need to start your program all over again. Just add these in. You can add them to a workout if you are doing a straight workout or use them for an off-day conditioning workout.

It is up to you how you set it up. This is a progressive hybrid training system. That means instead of just doing random interval workouts all over the place. You are setting up your interval training as you would in your strength training program. This means that you will be able to see results over a month rather than just being scattered all over the place.

That means you are going to see results. You will have way more fun doing workouts like this because it kills all that boredom when you are on a treadmill, elliptical, or bike. It is going to help to train your entire body. And that’s how you accelerate your fat loss results and boost your metabolism by heating all the muscles in your body at once.

If you want to lose weight, build muscle, have more energy throughout the day, and get healthier, check out the Bodyweight Blender program.

Stretching for Fat Loss