5 Simple Back Stretches for Yoga Beginners

5 Simple Back Stretches for Yoga Beginners

If you’re searching for back stretches for yoga beginners that are not very difficult to do, then these exercises are for you. Give these backstretch yoga movements a go today and see how much better your back feels.

CLICK HERE to watch the video.

I had Jenna demonstrate the exercises.

1. Downward Dog Exercise

Start in a four-point kneeling position. Move into a straight arm plank position, and then pull your hips backward slowly. Maintain proper alignment with the hips, shoulders, and arms. Hold the end position for 5 seconds, and then return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

Downward Dog Exercise - back stretches for yoga beginnersDownward Dog Exercise

Start with one set of 2 reps with a 5-second hold. The intensity is light. You are looking out for a stretch in the hips, hamstring, and calf areas.

2. Downward Dog Stretch

Start in a four-point kneeling position. Maintain proper alignment with the rest of the body. Drop your hips, arch your back and lift your head. Hold to that position for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

Downward Dog Stretch - back stretches for yoga beginnersDownward Dog Stretch

Start with one set of 2 reps with a 5-second hold. The intensity is light. The purpose of this exercise is to stretch out the hip flexors, work on the mobility of the low back and spine area to help ease back pain and stiffness.

3. Half-moon Pose

Begin in a nice, upright standing position and bring your feet together. Put your arms overhead, interlock the fingers and point out the index finger. Bend to one side, hold it for 5 seconds, and then bend to the other side.

Half-moon PoseHalf-moon Pose

Start with one set of 2 reps with a 5-second hold. The intensity is light. This exercise stretches out the muscles on the outer part of the spine and work on the mobility of the spine in the side to side direction.

4. Seated Spinal Twist

Begin in a nice, upright cross-legged sitting position. Rotate your body to one side, put your left hand on your right knee and bring the other arm behind you, and then pull a little further. Hold to that position for 5 seconds, and then repeat the movement to the opposite side.

These are excellent back stretches for yoga beginners that will help improve flexibility and alleviate back pain.

Seated Spinal Twist

Seated Spinal Twist

Start with one set of 2 reps with a 5-second hold. The intensity is light. The purpose of this exercise is to stretch out the muscles around the spine and to work on the mobility of the spine with the transverse plane or rotation of movement.

5. Reverse Warrior Pose

Begin in a nice, upright standing position. Take one big step forward with one leg and point your toe out. Put your front arm out front and your back arm behind. Lift your front arm with your eyes following the hand, and then arch your back as far as you can. Hold to that position for 5 seconds, then go back to the start position and repeat the movement to the opposite side.

Reverse Warrior PoseReverse Warrior Pose

Start with one set of 2 reps with a 5-second hold. The intensity is light because it stretches out the whole body. You are looking to stretch the hips, inner thigh, mid-back, and back areas.

Give these five exercises a go. They are easy-to-do back stretching exercises for yoga beginners that will help ease the tension and pain in your back.

If you want to learn how to get rid of your back discomfort permanently, then check out the Low Back Pain Solved program, here!

Low Back Pain Solved

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS