Good News!

You've been accepted into my Exercises For Injuries VIP Coaching program.

  • The purpose of this group is to help you reach your fitness, health, injury and pain goals.
  • We will take on workouts together, but you will be given options depending on your abilities, injuries and pain.
  • You’ll get a NEW program every month.
  • You’ll be ACCOUNTABLE to me and the group for your daily actions.
  • You’ll have similar goals with the rest of the group because this is the 'secret sauce' to making things work.
  • We’ll address your nutrition needs with a doable plan. (Your physique WILL change - for most of you that means FAT LOSS.)
  • As for nutrition - you’ll get a proven plan, get support and report in daily.
  • You have agreed to commit to this process for 90 days.
  • You are SERIOUS about your goals.
  • This coaching plan will get you through Christmas and New Years - the time of year nearly everyone puts on weight.

 Here's what you'll do next...

By submitting payment, you're agreeing to get onboard an exciting and aggressive plan of attack! We'll work together, along with a like-minded group to address your fitness, health, injury and pain goals.The experience will be a 'work in progress' and will unfold as the needs of the group dictate.It will be an adventurous ride that we'll do togetherAfter payment, you will be contacted by one of Rick's team members at Exercises For Injuries.Let's get started and I'll see you on the other side!



Your Coach, Rick Kaselj

PS. Keep in mind that this is a 'first come first serve' kinda thing, I've had so many applicants, I'll be closing the doors when I reach the maximum number.So, if you've been approved, you'll need to take the final step to get into the program. Don't wait or you'll miss out. I have not decided if I plan to do this again but if I do, it won't be until 2015.