Sharing with you the best exercise to do before your workout for your shoulder that you can apply to your everyday workout.
I will show you the exercise I do every day for my shoulder health.
During my warm-ups, when I am resting between exercises, I will head to my homemade pull-up bar and perform the below-mentioned exercise.
This workout for your shoulder exercise makes it feel great, improves my shoulder movement, and makes overhead work easier.
The demonstration is from the one and only Funk Roberts.
Enjoy and give it a go.
Rick Kaselj, MS
Hey guys, I’m Funk Roberts from Today, I have a great shoulder warm-up for all of you who have shoulder pain. If you have shoulder pain or rotator cuff issues, this is a great real quick warm-up that you can do before you start training. It is called the “Vertical Hang.”
It sounds exactly what it is, a vertical hang. I got this from my buddy Rick Kaselj who has a Shoulder Pain Solved program. It is incredible to use for anyone who has a shoulder problem, rotator cuff issue, dislocated shoulder, and any shoulder problem.
Today, I am going to show you a quick warm-up. Some of you guys are probably doing this already. It is a vertical hang that you can do anywhere. It could be on a bar or anywhere you can hang off the floor. I’ll walk you through it quickly. It is incredible to lengthen up that shoulder and get it back to the pain-free state we all want so we can train and work out without that pain.
Check this out and get it done.
Best Exercise To Do Before Your Workout For Your Shoulder
CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.
Vertical Hang
I jump on the bar and hang for 15 seconds. I hang off the ground. It is a little weird and uncomfortable, especially if you haven’t done this for a while, but you have to hang on for 15 seconds.
Vertical Hang
The slow point starts when we shape our shoulder into a painful joint, shortening the shoulder’s ligaments. But with the vertical hang, we stretch the ligaments back into that pain-free shoulder; we shape the ligaments. This works because, over time, gravity pulls our arms, which weigh about 10 lbs. Once you jump off, you will find that your shoulders feel great and awesome. That’s it! You do it once. It’s pretty simple.
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If you have shoulder pain, I guarantee this Shoulder Pain Solved program will help.