What Exercise Program Do You Want to see?

What Exercise Program Do You Want to see

I have been trying to figure out what is next. And I have been thinking about next year and what Exercise Program to do next year. I would like to hear from you about, what you want to see:

  1. What do you want to see on the blog?
  2. What injuries do you want me to write about?
  3. What kind of products do you want me to create for you?

It makes me happy to write about injuries and create things that help you on the blog.

I need your help on what I should do next.

Please comment below and answer the three questions about what you would like me to work on next for you.

If you don’t want to leave a comment, email me at [email protected].

Let me go through some fascinating stuff that has happened of late.

Chiropractic College wants Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program.

I received an email from the librarian director at Life Chiropractic College West.


Here is a chunk of it:

Dear Rick Kaselj,
A member of our faculty asked about having The Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program available in the library.
Can you please advise us on how we might be able to use your material in an institutional setting?
Obviously, at $47 the teacher can pay for this very affordable material on his own for personal use, but if he finds it to be excellent for his students – are there physical products that you can sell to a library?
Thank you for your assistance.
The Effective Rotator Cuff Exercises Manual and Plantar fasciitis & Exercise Program, looks to be helpful as well.
Library Director
Life Chiropractic College West

Nagging shoulder pain is quite joint, especially as we age. However, you don’t just have to “live with it.” There are things you can do to get rid of the discomfort and get on with your life. I helped revolutionize the treatment of tight or sore shoulders in 2007 and am confident I can help make your pain go away now too!

I’ll tell you all about my natural 100% safe shoulder exercise program in a minute but first, let’s look at why many people suffer from this problem; it seems like many men and women have issues here.

Shouldering the Load – Why Our Shoulders Tend to Break Down

The shoulder comprises many small structures, which means it is subject to a lot of wear and tear. When everything in the shoulder works as it should be able to do so, we can reach high shelves or throw footballs or lift the weight with relative ease. 

However, if something goes wrong inside the shoulder-through injury or age-the person may experience instability and pain. At the same time, they complete basic tasks like scratching their back or lifting an object off a shelf. It’s no wonder that nobody wants this kind of life! 

That’s why I have developed my Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program to help people with injuries in their shoulders recover by increasing arm mobility, decreasing tendon inflammation, and improving posture for stability purposes.

This program helps with shoulder injuries and pain. It improves their arm’s range of motion, decreases pain, and increases stability in the shoulder. When an individual is unstable on a joint like this, it can lead to accidents where they might drop something that could injure them or others around them. The potential for more significant pain due to injury may prevent someone from exercising, which results in poor sleep, so fixing these problems is always helpful!

When I started teaching courses and writing books for trainers, coaches, and therapists, I could never imagine it would lead to opportunities like this. It has been very calm and fascinating.

Along with teaching courses in my area of Vancouver, Canada, the big thing that has helped me help people around the world has been this little blog you are reading. I still can’t believe anyone reads this and can’t believe how many people have been helped by it. Several friends I have encouraged to start their blogs have been thankful that I suggested they did, like Alfred.

Alfred fb comment

It is great to see so many people doing it.

Rick Kaselj, MS

Scapular Stabilization Exercises