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Looking for a Personal Trainer in Vancouver

Fitness is not something you do every day. You do it every day, but in a way that you can make it more effective and more enjoyable. An excellent way to start is by finding a personal trainer. Not only will they be able to guide you through your fitness routine, but they will also be the person who keeps you accountable. A personal trainer can help you achieve your fitness goals in several ways. They can help you build a solid routine that makes fitness easy to maintain and understand. They can also help you reach your fitness goals quicker and more efficiently. Having a personal trainer is not just beneficial for the individual. It is also helpful for the community. In today’s world, everyone needs to find a way to stay healthy and fit. Not only that, but staying healthy and fit is something everyone needs to do to lead a happy and healthy life.

The Summer is Over, and Things Are On Fire

I just got back into things after the long weekend.

People were busy during the long weekend.

I checked my phone messages and email, and this is what I found:

Looking for Training Clients?

Collen Budy and Alana of Twin Rinks Physical Therapy in Langley, BC, Canada, recommended a client to me.

It was very nice of them, plus a trainer in 100 Mile House referred a client to me.

This is all amazing and so great that people think of me when they have people with injuries that need training.

The bad news is that I am booked up until November 2010.

Yes, November. I don’t have the time to take on any more clients until then.

I need your help with any new clients that come in.

Let me know if you are a personal trainer, Strength Coach, or Kinesiologist in the Greater Vancouver area.

I am working on fitness professionals putting all of their contact information in one area so I can take a quick look to see who can help and send them the client.

If you are looking for more clients,

Let me know by going here and leaving this in the comment area:

Here is what I would write:

Rick Kaselj

Thanks for helping out.

I hope to send you some clients in the future.

Presenting in Las Vegas

Last year, I did my first international presentation by heading to Seattle and presenting at one of the NSCA conferences. It was a very excellent experience.

I don’t have all the details yet, but I hope to find out soon.

I have been asked to talk on October 16 & 17.

The fun thing is it is not on exercise and injuries.

It will be on blogging, writing, and how to help people worldwide through your books.

Very cool. I am so excited.

I did a similar talk in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, last year, where I talked about how you can help people beyond just training them as a Personal Trainer. It was a fun talk. And recorded it; I have it somewhere. I will see if I can send it to you.

I have got to head off and do a little work, but I will finish the rest of this post.

Rick Kaselj, MS


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