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Metatarsalgia Exercises: Relieve Pain in Your Feet


The feet – one of the most used parts of the body, yet also the most underrated. We make good use of walking, running, and jumping daily. But admit it or not, we don’t usually pay attention to it, especially its health. As a result, pain and other foot problems arise. One of them is metatarsalgia. This may cause a feeling like a pebble is in your shoe whenever you walk, run, and more.

What is Metatarsalgia?

Metatarsalgia is a term used to describe pain and inflammation in the metatarsophalangeal joints or balls of the foot. It is a common overuse injury or condition where the metatarsophalangeal joints are inflamed due to high-impact sports such as running, jumping, foot deformities, arthritis, being overweight, inappropriate footwear, high-heeled shoes, or too-tight shoes.


The hallmark of metatarsalgia is pain at the end of the metatarsal bones (bones at the end of the foot). This is felt gradually and may improve when at rest and gets worse upon movement. You may also feel:

  1. Sharp, dull aching, burning pain in the ball of your foot 
  2. Numbness or tingling sensation in your toes
  3. The feeling of stepping a pebble or marble in your shoe
  4. Swelling and tenderness in your foot


The most common cause of metatarsalgia is high-impact sports like running or jumping. A repetitive pressure put on the balls of the foot causes it to become inflamed, including the structures like ligaments, tendons, and cartilage surrounding the bone. Other causes include:

Anatomy of the Foot

The feet bear the weight of the entire body. Structures like bones, joints, muscles, and cartilage make standing, walking, running, or jumping possible. Your feet are divided into three sections:

  1. The forefoot: the five toes (phalanges) and the five longer bones (metatarsals)
  2. The midfoot: is composed of the bones that form the arch, namely lateral cuneiform, medial cuneiform & intermediate cuneiform bones, the cuboid bone, and the navicular bone. Together they form a pyramid-like shape.
  3. The hindfoot: is composed of the bones that form the heel and ankle. The talus bone supports the tibia and fibula (leg bones) and forms the ankle. The calcaneus bone forms the heel, the biggest bone in the feet. 

Arches and Ligaments

The foot is uniquely designed to form an arch. These arches help flex the foot to support your body on an uneven surface. Now, this isn’t possible without the help of the ligaments. Ligaments are bands of tissues that connect one bone to the other and bind them together. The main ligament and the longest, plantar fascia, runs under your foot. It helps in balancing and gives strength when walking. The Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament connects the calcaneus and navicular and supports the head of the talus, and the Calcaneocuboid ligament connects the calcaneus and the tarsal bones.


It is not just the bones and ligaments that enable your feet to move, but also the muscle. Twenty muscles in the foot help in movement and support. The main muscles are:

Metatarsalgia Diagnosis

Since a wide variety of foot conditions can cause symptoms similar to those of metatarsalgia, a thorough examination to locate the source of your pain, to know more about your lifestyle and activity level, and more will be done. An imaging test like X-ray could also rule out fractures and other possible foot conditions. An X-ray is a test that develops an image of the structures inside your body, particularly the bones.

Metatarsalgia Treatment and Management

There are several treatments available for this condition, including conservative treatments. Here are some things you can do to relieve pain caused by metatarsalgia:

Metatarsalgia Stretching Exercises

1. Toe Pumps

Sit in a chair and prop your heels so your toes move freely in the air. Flex and extend your toes slowly until you can feel its stretch. Make sure this is done-pain free. Repeat this 20 times for 2-3 sets each.

2. Toe Flexor Stretch

Sit in a chair and prop your right leg to your left thigh to reach your foot with your hand. Then, bend (dorsiflex) your ankle towards your shin, then use the palm of your hand to bend the toes back until you feel a strong stretch at the bottom of the foot and hold. Do this for 15 reps with a 30-second hold each, 1-2 sets.

3. Sitting Calf Stretch

Sit in a chair or long sitting on the floor with a stretch band/strap, towel, or belt wrapped around under the ball of your foot. Keep your knees straight, then pull the toes towards you and hold. You should feel a strong stretch in the back of the ankle at the Achilles tendon and lower leg. Repeat this on the other side. Do this for 15 reps with a 30-second hold for each rep, 1-2 sets.

Metatarsalgia Strengthening Exercises

1. Toe Scrunches

Comfortably sit in a chair with your feet flat and a towel underneath it on the floor. Scrunch the towel using your toes. Do this for 2 minutes.

2. Marble Pick up

Prepare a cup and marbles or objects like rocks, small toys, etc., and put them and scatter them on the floor. Use your toes to pick it one at a time and put it in the cup. Continue until you put it all.


Since your foot has the most important role in your daily life and activities when you’re on the ground, whether running, walking, or standing, it is necessary also to care for and pay attention to its health. Protect them by having proper foot hygiene and wearing perfectly fitted shoes. If foot pain and other symptoms are observed, immediately consult your doctor for early prevention and treatment.

For anyone who has Plantar Fasciitis, foot or heel pain, we highly recommend this special Wood Reflexology Roller. Self-massage is an important part of healing Plantar Fasciitis, and this wood roller makes it a lot easier and enjoyable! Check out now!

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