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Neurodevelopmental Progressions and BCRPA Courses

Neurodevelopmental Progressions and BCRPA Courses

The human brain starts developing from the moment we’re born. And throughout our lives, the brain continues to grow and change. Neurodevelopment progression is growing from infancy to adulthood and developing into a mature adult. As we age, our brain also changes in response to what we do and experience. These changes are known as neurodevelopmental progressions, where neurological development reaches a point and then progresses to another stage.

Normal brain development is an intricate process that continues into our mid-20s and beyond. During adolescence, the brain reorganizes and fine-tunes its networks in response to new experiences and stimuli, creating the foundation for future success.

What Is Neurodevelopmental Progression?

Neurodevelopmental progression refers to the way the brain matures and the way it supports learning. It is based on the understanding that the human brain is a complex organ and develops slowly and unevenly. This means that the same children who were reading and doing math at grade level in elementary school will require much more time and support as adults to do the same level of learning. This article focuses on how the developing brain affects learning. It also discusses how the maturing brain impacts people’s ability to learn new skills and information throughout their lives, not just during the developmental years.

However, growth during adolescence is not a steady upward slope. Instead, it is a period of dynamic changes that progresses through different developmental stages at varying paces. Understanding these neurodevelopmental progressions can help you better understand your teen’s behavior and anticipate future challenges they may face as they continue to grow.

Anyone who has worked with or been a child will know that growing up is not a linear process. Instead, it’s a series of jolts forward followed by moments of stagnation. During this period, an individual progresses cognitively, behaviorally, and socially. Each stage has its challenges for the person and their caregivers. By understanding these developmental stages, you as a caregiver can anticipate when interventions are necessary and when to seek support. Understanding each phase of neurodevelopment can also help you better understand your loved one’s needs as they progress through life, whether they’re going through a difficult time or just growing up and figuring things out.

If you are caring for someone with special needs, knowing about the different stages of neurodevelopment can help you understand why they behave or think in a certain way at any given moment. Your loved one may have additional challenges because of autism spectrum disorders or another brain-based condition that could impact their ability to perform specific tasks or understand new concepts within a certain timeframe. Knowing about these developmental stages helps prepare you for potential difficulties down the road.

Neurodevelopment is the process of growing and maturing as an individual. It’s a lifelong process that begins at birth and continues throughout life. Each neurodevelopment stage brings new capabilities, challenges, and growth opportunities. These developmental stages can be plotted on a graph to show progression over time. Whether studying the developing brain from neuroscience or developmental psychology perspective, knowing about cognitive development helps you understand what your peers are going through when they’re struggling with something like math or reading at school. Social development lets you know why your friends do weird things like eat bugs or dress up as aliens on Halloween. Understanding adolescent behavior gives your insight into why young people are often so moody, unpredictable, and self-absorbed.

These different types of development take place simultaneously in each person; however, the rate of every kind of development varies from person to person depending on genetic predispositions and current life experiences.

Neurodevelopment is a process that continues throughout our lives, as opposed to something that happens because of aging. However, recent research and theory in the neurosciences have established that neurodevelopment can be divided into distinct and separate stages. This article will highlight some of the main neurodevelopmental progressions within the human brain from birth until death.

Last weekend I hosted another great course:

Introduction to Muscle Imbalance Testing and Movement Pattern Assessment with Tara Keller

I don’t host Tara that often but I was able to book her to present one of her courses.

I could not stay the whole day but have attended the course before.

Before I left, I did a little video for you.

Neuro-Developmental Progressions with Tara Keller

CLICK HERE for the neurodevelopment progression video

You can read through the shoulder part if you enjoyed what Tara said:

Looking Beyond the Shoulder

Rick Kaselj, MS

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