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Scoliosis Surgery

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a condition where the spine twists from side to side. Several reasons can cause it, including having a slight build, being overweight, or having a family history of scoliosis. Scoliosis can range from mild to severe and can cause pain and back problems and affect your self-esteem. However, proper treatment can manage and even correct scoliosis.

What is Scoliosis Surgery?

One treatment option is surgery, which can help straighten the spine. Various surgical options are available, including spinal fusion and vertebral column lengthening. Both of these options require an incision at the base of the spine to allow the surgeon access to the vertebrae.

The surgeon will remove any bone spurs causing the spinal curvature during a spinal fusion surgery and then fuse the vertebrae using bone grafts or rods. Vertebral column lengthening involves removing a portion of the vertebrae, so the spine becomes straighter. This surgery may also require attaching rods to the spine to support it until it heals properly.

A person can develop scoliosis if their spine develops improperly, their muscles are weak, or they experience injuries.

Although more common among children, scoliosis can affect people of any age. Doctors often detect scoliosis during physical exams when they see a curvature of the spine between the ribs and the hips.

If scoliosis is caught in its early stages, spinal surgery may treat it. In this procedure, a surgeon cuts through a portion of the spine and straightens the spine. This surgery is done with a unique tool called an instrumented external fixator.

The main goal of the surgery is to relieve pressure on the spine and help prevent any further damage to the spine. Before the surgery, a CT scan creates a detailed computerized plan of the damaged areas in the spine.

Post-Scoliosis Surgery

After the surgery, the doctor uses a CT scan to check for any remaining abnormalities in the spine. If the problem with the spine does not resolve, the doctor may repeat the surgery. If the scoliosis is severe enough, then this may be necessary.

Scoliosis surgery is a significant operation. It requires general anesthesia and a hospital stay of two to seven days. The specialist who performs this type of surgery has extensive training and experience and uses state-of-the-art surgical tools.

Although most people recover well after this type of surgery, there is. Scoliosis surgery is a type of procedure used to treat scoliosis. Severe scoliosis often requires surgery to correct the curve and reduce pain. 

Typically, we recommend scoliosis surgery for people experiencing significant pain or discomfort due to scoliosis. Additionally, surgery may help improve balance and muscle strength. In some cases, we can perform surgery as an outpatient procedure.

Depending on the severity of the condition, recovery time may vary. In most cases, full recovery may take several months or even years. However, surgery requires an overnight stay in the hospital in most cases.

If you need some exercises to help out your scoliosis client, check out the Effective Exercises for Scoliosis Program.

Rick Kaselj, MS

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