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Why I DON’T Know it All

Why I DON’T Know it All copy

If you ask me what the one thing I have learned about myself as a result of my time working in marketing is, there is so much more to learn. Having been in the industry for over a decade, I’d be lying if I said I know it all. That being said, there are plenty of things that I do know.

I have been in the training and rehabilitation industry for 16 years but have little experience.

After studying Kinesiology and Exercise Science at bachelor’s and master’s levels, I’ve picked up a little. I spend thousands of dollars yearly on research papers, books, DVDs, webinars, classes, and seminars.

And I was considering taking a course with Mike Robertson. I could have boasted that I knew more than Mike did and had as much education as he did. Although I have learned a bit and have some experience, I must continue learning and experience to better assist my customers and improve my knowledge and skills.

This would be a rookie move and a massive mistake from growing, learning, experiencing, and becoming a better trainer, coach, and therapist.

So why would I attend a course with a fellow fitness education colleague?

#1 – Repetition is Mastery

I do not have a photographic memory. I need to see, hear, and practice things several times. When I attend a course, I am reminded of things that I know but have forgotten or have yet to master.

Going to a course allows you to learn in a variety of ways. I learn by reading journals, listening to lectures, watching DVDs, and practicing in a live system. I know in time, doing all of this will lead to mastery.

#2 – Looking at things in a New Way

I have learned things one way.

I have my way of explaining things.

By learning from others, I know new ways of looking at and explaining things.

# 3 – Nuggets of Breakthrough Knowledge

I always learn something new. It may be one thing or a new way of seeing an issue with a client. For example, let me share some of the nuggets I learned from Mike Robertson.

What I Learned from Mike Robertson in 16 Hours of Learning:

1.    Importance of psoas.
2.    Blunders in plank exercises.
3.    Hidden erector spinal function.
4.    Assess the joint above and below an injury.
5.    Question what you are doing when it comes to lumbar flexion.
6.    The Kinetic Chain game.
7.    Challenge what you do when you do core exercises.
8.    They based hip machines on gross anatomy, not functional anatomy.
9.    The Balloon stability game.
10.    Importance of active and passive isolation assessment.
11.    Most people get rotation from their lumbar spine.
12.    Transversus abdominis strength versus trimming.
13.    Importance of closed chain hip and knee movements.
14.    Key cause of basketball injuries.
15.    What postures are on the increase.
16.    4 keys to sagittal plane force coupling.
17.    What to do about posterior knee pain.
18.    Why we all need to deadlift.
19.    Importance of fatigue.
20.    What is the importance of the 4th hamstring.
21.    Importance of transverse pelvis transverse rotation.
22.    2 static assessments that I must do.
23.    Twenty-three isolation assessments for movement dysfunction.

Sorry, this is the list I learned from Day 1 of the course.

I have experience and knowledge but still have much more to master and learn. The best way to learn is from the best.

Rick Kaselj, MS

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