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4 Best Foam Roller Moves for Your Entire Body

4 Best Foam Roller Moves for Your Entire Body

Foam rollers can be used for more than muscle recovery. Check out these 4 exercises that make using your foam roller even more fun.

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#1 – Squat to Overhead Press

Begin in an upright standing position with your legs hip-width apart and your toes slightly pointed outward. Hold a foam roller at chest-height with both hands. Bend your knees and hinge through your hips to move into a deep squat. Raise back up and extend both arms overhead. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

Squat to Overhead Press

Start with one set of 5 repetitions.

#2 – Plank to Leg Roll

Move into a forearm plank position, maintaining a proper alignment with your head, shoulders, hips and toes. Place the foam roller under your body, just below your knees. Contract your core, then run the foam roller from the bottom of your knees to your ankles and back. Repeat the movement.

Plank to a Leg Roll

Start with one set of 5 repetitions.

#3 – Side Plank to Reach

Move into a side plank position, holding the foam roller in one hand and maintaining a proper alignment with your head, shoulders, hips and legs. Tighten your core and bring the foam roller up toward the ceiling, then lower it back down and extend it under your body. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement on the opposite side.

Side Plank to Reach

Start with one set of 5 repetitions on each side.

#4 – Inchworms

Begin in an upright standing position holding the foam roller in both hands. Move down to the floor, rolling the foam roller out in front with your hands to move into a straight arm plank position. Roll the foam roller back in then raise up, extending both arms overhead. Repeat the sequence of movements.


Start with one set of 5 repetitions.

If you want to speed up recovery, reach your fitness goals faster and hit your peak rapidly, then check out the Recovery Workouts program.

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