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5 Bootcamp Mistakes Fitness Professionals Make

Common Shoulder Injuries in Bootcamp

Shoulder injuries are common in throwing athletes but can be prevented with proper training and conditioning.

First, athletes should strengthen their rotator cuff muscles to help protect the shoulder joint. They should also practice proper throwing techniques and avoid repetitive overhead motions, stressing the shoulder. Finally, athletes should wear protective gear such as a padded vest during practices and games.

Avoid unnecessary shoulder injuries if you play sports requiring frequent overhead motions, such as volleyball or baseball. Avoid unnecessary shoulder injuries if you play sports requiring periodic overhead movements, such as volleyball or baseball.

Wearing padded vests and using proper techniques can help to prevent shoulder injuries in throwing athletes. Wearing padded vests and using appropriate strategies can help to prevent shoulder injuries in throwing athletes.

How to Avoid these Mistakes?

The best way to avoid these common mistakes is to try not to make them yourself. Here are a few examples of things that you might forget when participating in a fitness program: If you’re on a weight loss program, stop thinking about it as a diet and instead, encourage yourself to replace the word “diet” with something more empowering like “lifestyle change.”

In an exercise program, don’t focus on the numbers you see on the scale as much as you do on how you feel. Depending on how you think about your progress, you might be surprised at how different your mood is from day today. This can help you stay motivated throughout your workout sessions.

Posture is Important

Another common mistake many new gym-goers make is using the same routine for each workout. You might think you always know how to do your activity, but you need to shake things up once or twice a week. Switch things up and do some new exercises for each workout.

Don’t forget about your posture! It doesn’t matter if you’re on a weight loss or a weight training program; always remember to keep your back straight and your core tight while working out. If you do, you’ll prevent painful and potentially problematic injuries.

Craig Ballantyne in Bootcamp Mistakes

When I ran boot camps last summer, I always looked for boot camp workouts. One guy that had a lot of them, many of them I used in my boot camps, is Craig Ballantyne. Craig was generous enough to do an interview and share a bunch of his boot camp workout secrets with you.

Before I get to the interview, let me give you a little background on Craig. Craig is a trainer in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (We won’t hold that against him.) Craig ran boot camps in community centers. He found that he had access to very minimal equipment.

Since he had limited equipment, he began putting together boot camp workouts with minimal equipment and, in many cases, just focused on bodyweight exercises.

His success leads him to show other trainers how to do these workouts without worrying about driving equipment around town or carrying boxes of equipment to the park. Now other fitness professionals have been using his boot camp workouts to get their boot campers results.

Now to the interview.

5 Bootcamp Mistakes Fitness Professionals Make

In the interview, Craig will:

CLICK HERE for the 5 Bootcamp Mistakes Fitness Professionals Make

I liked how Craig talked about getting boot campers to do laps as one of the mistakes fitness professionals make when running boot camps. It was something that I did. Oops. Below is part two of the interview with Craig.

How to Design a Bootcamp Workout

In the interview, Craig will explain:

CLICK HERE for the 5 Bootcamp Mistakes Fitness Professionals Make

I liked Craig’s Number 1 tip on designing a boot camp workout:  BRING THE ENERGY. That is so true. Bootcampers are all there for their reasons, but you have to keep them motivated, energized, and reaching past their limits. I hope you enjoyed the interview.

I enjoy doing them and bringing them to you. Thanks for reading the blog and listening to the interview. Please let me know what you think by leaving a comment or emailing me if you have an interview idea. Before I go, If you are looking for another great post on boot camps and lower back pain exercisesclick here.

Rick Kaselj, MS.

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