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6 Quick Fixes for Your Back

6 Quick Fixes for Your Back

Ouch! Are you experiencing back pain?

Yes, people may experience pain in various parts of the body including the shoulders, knees, and other types of joint pain. They can also suffer from pain that may not be readily identifiable, such as referral pain. However, a painful or sore back can be difficult to miss.

There are various causes of back pain, but if you have a sore back, you’ll want FAST RELIEF! However, if the cause of back pain or a sore back is not adequately addressed, you may be engaged in a never-ending cycle of pain and never really get rid of the pain. The GOOD NEWS is that there are some quick fixes for your back! First, you’ll need to know what these quick fixes are. So, let’s get started revealing 6 quick fixes for your back.

#1 – Methylcobalamin

Have you taken any methylcobalamin today? You’re probably wondering what methylcobalamin, also known as MeCbl, is! Well, Mecbl is the activated form of vitamin B12, and the great news regarding this vitamin is that it can help relieve back pain. Apart from being able to alleviate low back pain, this activated form of vitamin B12 is also able to tackle many nutritional concerns and other diseases like arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease. In its active form of MeCbl, vitamin B12 acts as an analgesic with benefits to peripheral neuropathy, including the ability to alleviate spontaneous and burning pain [1]. A diet that is rich in nutritional substances and foods includes this vitamin.

The B12 vitamin is often used to address nutritional deficiencies, especially in sports-related settings. So, what can you do to ensure you are getting enough of the B12 vitamin? Consuming foods that are rich in vitamin B12 is a good start. This includes milk products, poultry, meat, fish and eggs. There are also dietary supplements available. Key points to remember when consuming the B12 vitamin include the possibility of side effects such as tingling and numbness. However, overall, it is typically well-tolerated. Also check this out for more ideas.

#2 – Support While Standing

At times, you may have to stand for prolonged periods of time. Unfortunately, you may not realize that you are creating a stressful situation for your back until it’s too late. You’ll then begin to notice the onset of aches and pain in your lower back, or possibly over your entire back. The way you stand and where you stand can definitely create back pain.

If you are standing on a hard surface, the pressure of your bodyweight exerting on the ground can be channeled to various areas of your body, including your joints and back. There is a relationship between lower back pain or adverse health conditions and prolonged standing [2]. If you have been standing for prolonged periods of time and begin to develop back pain, that could likely be the source of your pain.

What can you do?

LUCKILY, there is a way out of this mess. Simply pay more attention to where you are standing and how you are standing. Whenever possible, avoid standing on hard surfaces for long periods of time. When you do need to stand for long periods, try to use a floor mat. There are many types of floor mats available that are designed to balance out the pressure from standing. You could also try ergonomic equipment, including sit-stand workstations, shoes that are equipped with padded inserts, and stockings or hosiery that provide adequate support for your back and joints. Your back will thank you for it.

#3 – Walking Uphill.

If you have a flat back, walking uphill can provide relief. This is because of the inclined angle the back moves into when walking on an incline. Sometimes, having a flat back can result in never-ending soreness. Placing your back in an angled position can reduce stress on the back and provide relief. Research studies have also noted that in addition to treating low-back pain in flat-back syndrome patients, inclined walking, such as that done on an inclined treadmill, could also help prevent the occurrence of low-back pain. There is evidence to show that back muscle endurance and anterior tilt pelvic angle extension increases significantly after inclined treadmill walking [3].

#4 – Get Rid of Restrictive Clothing

Do you have a pair of skinny jeans in your closet? If yes, think about whether or not you have experienced back pain lately. Restrictive clothes such as skinny jeans or really tight shirts could affect the movement of certain parts of the body. Results from a study to investigate the effects of wearing tight clothing on lumbar spine movement, low back discomfort, and trunk muscle activity, revealed that restrictive clothing decreased range of motion, reduced trunk muscle activity, and increased high discomfort ratings [4]. So, if you are experiencing low back pain and wear tight clothing, this could be related to your back pain.

#5 – Get Unstable Shoes

Being on a relatively flat surface with relatively flat shoes is the typical way to walk, run, or jump. However, a research study involving people with non-specific, chronic back pain showed that wearing unstable shoes for a period of time as long as six weeks can significantly reduce chronic low back pain [5]. The shoes you may normally reach for in the shoe store are most likely safe, stable shoes. Stop for a few seconds and check. Are these the kind of shoes you are wearing right now? Probably so, unless you are not currently wearing shoes. Unstable shoes could actually be GOOD for you!! Yes, there are shoes that are particularly designed to be unstable and for good reason too.

#6 – Change Your Bedding System

People often notice back pain after getting up from bed. Sometimes, you may think it’s the way you slept on your bed that is causing your back pain, and indeed this might be the case. However, your bedding system may be the real culprit here. Sometimes the type of mattress a person uses could be generating stress-related symptoms and research shows that a person’s personal bedding can affect sleep quality. The research showed that newer bedding systems increased sleep quality and reduced back discomfort [6]. If your bedding system is old, has been overused, or is simply inadequate, you may be more prone to back pain. Also, think about the advances in bedding technology!

There you have it – 6 quick fixes to ensure that your back is healthy and happy. We have really come such a long way in improved, state-of the art bedding systems that provide proper lumber and stress support for your back. We are also becoming more informed about nutrition, such as consuming the necessary vitamins for optimal health! If you are experiencing issues with your back, you can also treat it with exercise. Avoid the vicious cycle of pain, deal with root causes, and consider other methods to get rid of pain safely [7]. If you have back pain, it’s time to take action!

Want to learn more about how to back pain, then check out Low Back Pain Solved:

Rick Kaselj, MS


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