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Brisk Walking Increases the Risk of Osteoarthritis in Obese Adults

Brisk Walking Increases the Risk of Osteoarthritis is Obese Adults

Since the leading preventable risk factor in extensive joint osteoarthritis is obesity, it makes sense for obese individuals to exercise. A standard recommendation for someone that is obese is to begin an exercise program. The type of exercise that is often recommended is a brisk walking program. This recommendation for brisk walking may make sense in helping to manage obesity. But it may increase the risk of injury, especially in the knee. The knee being the primary site for obesity-related osteoarthritis creates a tough dilemma.

CLICK HERE for the video on Obese Clients and Brisk Treadmill Walking

The Facts on Obese Clients Doing Brisk Walking

The Take Home Message on Brisk Walking for the Obese

Brisk walking may not be the best weight loss solution for obese individuals. Having your obese clients walk at a slower speed which obese individuals often prefer, is the solution to decreasing stress on the knee joint. Other weight loss strategies will need to be explored to manage BMI to reduce the risk of osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis progress.

If you are a fitness professional and want more confidence in working with clients with osteoarthritis and a variety of knee rehabilitation exercises, I would suggest attending the Exercise Rehabilitation of the Knee Course.

Plus, I had done a past post on anterior knee pain and squatting that may interest you. CLICK  HERE for the article.

Browning RC, Kram R. (2007). Effects of obesity on the biomechanics of walking at different speeds. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2007 Sep;39(9):1632-41.

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