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Common Ab Training Mistake

Common Ab Training Mistake

I was looking at some old pictures and came across this:

It was when I was in Tampa Bay filming the Fix My Knee Pain program. It was a long 6 hours of filming but fun.

Okay, let’s get to what I have for you today.

Before I headed to Tampa Bay, I was in Miami and did a Q&A with Tyler Bramlett on Common Ab Training Mistakes.

Here is the video:

For those that like to read, here you go:

Q – Rick: I am in Miami for a Fitness Mastermind meeting. I got to chatting with Tyler during lunch. We talked about ab training and a common mistake he sees people make when it comes to ab training. I will get Tyler to explain people’s mistakes in ab training.

A – Tyler: Yes. The biggest mistake that I see people make when they do ab training and in all training, in general, is the fact that they go too big too fast and they don’t master foundational movements.

Instead of thinking, “Okay, I’m going to do some crunches, and when I get to 50 crunches, I am going to do a hundred, and then I’m going to do two hundred.” They do that kind of training, which doesn’t benefit them in the long run because they are not building strength, power, and performance.

First, you need to get the essential muscles to act, for example, through therapy exercises.

A – Rick Interrupting Tyler: Therapy exercises are important, especially the activation part. You need to activate the right muscles and layer on strength, power, and performance on top of the therapy exercises.

A – Tyler: Yeah.

The analogy I can use is that when people go out there and run, they run longer distances and become marathoners.

What happens is they don’t get lean muscles; they don’t get a lot of benefit from it in terms of their metabolism, and many times, people get injured.

Suppose you want to have strong ab muscles when you’re performing. You have got to have a logical sequence for you to be able to build that foundation for results.

Then you are ready to go to that next exercise and then that next exercise.

I see this most predominantly in gymnastics. These are the people with the best and strongest abs in the world.

They do that by starting with basic exercises like leg-raising and core activation. And then they move from there like hanging leg raises and things that seem impossible to most people because they do not understand that progression.

A – Rick: Awesome!

Thank you very much, Tyler. Thank you very much, readers, listeners, and watchers. This is Rick Kaselj from Miami (sent from Tampa Bay) if you want more information on Tyler. And the system that he ends up using with his clients to create strong abs. You can check it out here.

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