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Exercises For Facet Joint Problems

Exercises For Facet Joint Problems

Facet joint syndrome is a significant source of back and neck pain, an arthritis-like spine condition caused by degenerative joint changes between the spine bones. The cartilage inside the facet joint can break down and inflame, triggering pain signals in nearby nerve endings. The doctors may use medication, physical therapy, joint injections, nerve blocks, and nerve ablations to manage symptoms. Chronic symptoms may require surgery to fuse the joint. Learn how to manage the symptoms of facet joint syndrome with these exercises and other treatment options. 


Facet Joint Problems symptoms depend on the severity of the condition and possible involvement of a nearby nerve root with one or more of the following symptoms: 


There are many possible causes of the Facet Joint Problem, and these are as follows:


Exercise, lifestyle changes, and managing back pain can help manage and find relief for Facet Joint Syndrome even though it can’t be reversed. If conservative therapies fail to help you manage and control the pain, your doctor may recommend injections, ablations, or surgery. Here are some of the conservative treatments that might help:

Exercises For Facet Joint Problems

Exercise helps alleviate pain in many patients without more aggressive treatment, including surgery. Here are some exercises that you may do:

Aerobic Exercises

They are commonly a part of many treatment plans to reduce weight, improve cardiovascular health, and improve endurance. This can be especially beneficial for overweight individuals because excess weight can put extra pressure on the spine and cause the cartilage inside the facet joint to wear away. Aerobic exercises such as walking or biking should be done for 20 to 30 minutes daily.


Some stretches for the lower back include the hamstring, knee to chest, hip flexor, and piriformis stretch. Hold these stretches for 20 seconds and do five repetitions.

1. Hamstring Stretch

2. Knee To Chest

3. Hip Flexor Stretch

4. Piriformis Stretch

Strengthening Exercise

1. Straight Leg Raises

2. Glute Bridge

3. Wall Squat

Final Thoughts

Performing these exercises without a doctor’s or physical therapist’s supervision or direction may worsen the condition. Thus, it is always important to seek medical attention before doing facet joint exercises because a physical therapist can design a specific exercise plan and ensure that you perform the exercises properly. He may also perform other modalities such as massage, traction, electrical stimulation, heat, and ice. You may require a facet joint injection if you do not achieve adequate pain relief from conservative therapy. 

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