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Fast & Furious 5 Workout

The lightning storms in Tampa are crazy. Yesterday, Mike Westerdal and I worked on the filming of Fix My Back Pain. After the filming, we headed to the pool for a swim with his family. All was amazing until the dark black clouds rolled in. What followed was crazy rain and thousands of lightning strikes.

Yes, thousands.

Today is day 2 of filming; we will see what the weather does. What I got for you today is a great workout that you can do from Ben Teal. He calls it the Fast & Furious 5.


Rick Kaselj

Hey guys, I am Ben Teal from Metabolic Mayhem High Definition, the Ultimate done-for-you Fat Loss System. I made this video today for Rick Kaselj and all the readers over at EFI.

What I wanted to do today is to talk to you a little bit about what a Metabolic Mayhem workout looks like and give you a quick example of a five-minute routine that Rick asked me to put together. This is the Fast & Furious workout.

Metabolic Mayhem workouts are Short and Sweet.

I stick to basic exercises that are very metabolically active. I want to do them in such a way as to maximize the metabolic burn that you get from the routines in a short amount of time, and we do that by manipulating a couple of variables.

Specifically, we want to increase the intensity by working out harder or shortening the rest interval, or combining both. And the way we achieve that combination is we work different sets of muscles, and we constantly move from the floor to the standing position.

For example, everybody is familiar with burpees. Burpees are one of the most metabolically active exercises because you use all of your body. So we will incorporate all of your body just by transitioning from exercise to exercise. In most of my routines,s you will see we do a floor or standing exercise.

And as I said before, I use basic exercises in most routines. I want you to be able to do the workouts. I don’t want to waste a lot of time studying how to do any particular exercise and trying to learn something new. Then I want you to get into the gym, get into your basement, get your routine done and get out. I have two kids, and I have a desk job. And I am very busy, and I know you are busy too. Here you want to get your routine done and get out.

Fast and Furious 5 Workouts

So for today’s workout, the Fast and Furious 5, we will do five exercises, and we will do the routine for 5 minutes.

The way that it’s going to work is if we start with seal jacks, which will get the heart going. We will do 20 seconds of seal jacks, and we will rest for 10 seconds. We are going to follow that up with 20 seconds of push-ups. And then we are going to rest for 10 seconds. And we will do 20 seconds of bodyweight squats and rest for 10 seconds. Next is 20 seconds of mountain climbing and rest for 10 seconds. And lastly, 20 seconds of full body extensions and then rest for 10 seconds.

Once we finish the first set of full-body extensions, we will repeat that circuit one more time for a total of 5 minutes. It doesn’t sound like a lot, but that 5 minutes will be very tasking.

Once again, it will work if you start with seal jacks, just like a traditional jumping jack. With traditional jumping jacks, your arms go overhead. I’ve had some rotator cuffs injuries in the past that I have talked to Rick about, so it’s a little annoying sometimes when I do the jumping jacks, so I prefer to do a seal jack.

1. Seal Jack

Seal Jacks are arms out to the sides and come in. So I am going to do seal jacks, so it is going to be 20 seconds of seal jacks, and then you are going to rest for 10 seconds.

2. Push-ups

And then, you are going to move from the standing exercise down to the floor, and you are going to do 20 seconds of Push-Ups and then rest for 10 seconds.

3. Bodyweight Squats

Now you move back from the floor to a standing position, and we will do bodyweight squats. You want to ensure your feet are shoulder-width or a little wider, and your toes turn slightly out. You are going to lower yourself, controlled. And you ensure you get the top of your thighs as close to parallel to the ground as possible. Make sure your rears are nice and low, your knees stay behind your toes, and then stand back up. So we will do 20 seconds of Bodyweight Squats and then have 10 seconds of rest.

4. Mountain Climbs

Then after the 10 seconds of rest, you transition back to the floor and do the Mountain Climbers (sorry, no photo for this). You will get once again in a push-up position, and then you will alternate legs for 20 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds.

5. Full Back Extension

Back to standing position after 10 seconds of rest, and we are going to do Full Body Extensions. Full Body Extension is a variation of a power jump where you don’t leave the ground. It’s a full-body exercise, so you get into a squat position and explode on your toes with your arms overhead. So that’s the full-body extension.

You will do that circuit two times. Again, you will work out for 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off seal jacks, push-ups, bodyweight squats, mountain climbers, and full-body extensions. And then repeat that circuit one more time; that’s the Fast and Furious 5.

Give the workout a go. If you like the quick and intense metabolic workout, you will love Metabolic Mayhem High Definition.

Ben Teal

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