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Exercises to Improve Hip Range of Motion

Exercises to Improve Hip Range of Motion - Hip Mobility Exercises

The measurement of the distance and direction a joint can move to its full potential is known as the Range of motion (ROM). The ball-and-socket hip joint fits together in a way that allows for fluid, repeated activity—and a fair amount of wear and tear—but the joint isn’t indestructible.

What Affects the Hip Range of Motion

The hip range of motion can be affected by several causes and be limited due to joint problems, swelling of tissues around the joints, stiffness of the ligaments of the muscles, and pain. But a sudden loss of hip range of motion can be caused by the following:

Hip Movements

Importance of Hip Mobility

The hips are the center of the body’s movement and a stable base of the spine to keep an upright body position allowing the lower limbs to move around the spine. Poor hip mobility will result in poor posture and inhibited muscles leading to low back pain and knee problems. Thus improving the hip range of motion is very important.

Stretches and Exercises to Improve Hip Mobility

The following exercises will help the muscles that support the hip joint and improve hip mobility.

1. Piriformis Stretch

Stretch that targets the piriformis, a small muscle located deep in the buttock. Sitting all day will cause this muscle to get tight.

To do this:


2. Lying Hip Rotations

To do this:


3. Butterfly Stretch

Very useful for the groin muscles and for improving hip rotation to the side. Pay close attention to your back and keep it straight and upright as you move through the stretch.

To do this:


4. Frog Stretch

This is more intensive stretching for the hips, adding more weight bearing into the exercise. But take it slowly, and don’t force yourself for a range of motion you may not be ready yet.

To do this:


5. Kneeling Lunges Stretch

When your shin is upright, lean forward rather than being angled down or back. Keep your hips square and your upper body tall, and you’ll be in the proper position. Don’t be afraid to adjust the back leg positioning to get the most out of the stretch to release your hip flexors.

To do this:


6. Hip Squeezes

A simple exercise that can get groin muscles working. The groin muscles provide medial stability to the hips and help control the position of the knees.

To do this: 

7. Hip Hikers

Also Known as the pelvic drop, these are great hip mobility exercises to get your gluteal muscles working in a weight-bearing position.

To do this:


Having a stable hip also means having the freedom to move around without pain. Because our hips are known to be the center of the body’s movement, especially when we walk, climb stairs, run, stand, sit, and bend over. Thus, keeping the hips’ range of motion regular is important to avoid limited movements. With the help of the exercises mentioned above, we can ensure that hip mobility will be improved and enhance the ability to move well every day.

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