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How Are Your Clients Sabotaging Their Fitness Goals with Healthy Food with Lori Kennedy

It is no secret that most people struggle with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This is especially true when trying to lose weight or eat more healthfully. So why do so many people sabotage themselves? Food is a big part of the problem. Poor eating habits make it easy to fall off the wagon and slip back into old habits.

Some signs you might sabotage your fitness goals: You snack too much or binge on junk food. Skipping breakfast or lunch. You don’t track what you eat. You exercise less than you should. And you don’t see results or feel better after sticking to your diet and exercise program. If you notice these signs, it may be time to change how you approach food and fitness. Try adding some new foods to your diet and changing your exercise routine. Once you start seeing results, staying motivated and staying on track will become easier.

Today I have an interview for you on How Are Your Clients Sabotaging Their Fitness Goals with Healthy Food with Lori Kennedy.

She shares what he does in the interview.

Enjoy the interview.

CLICK HERE to listen to the interview with Lori Kennedy on how your clients sabotage their fitness goals with healthy food.

What Lori Kennedy shares in the interview:

A few things you need to know about listening to the interview:

If you have a neat specialization or business information that would be of benefit for fitness professionals to know about, please do contact me, and I would love to share it with the EFI world.

If you know of a fitness professional or someone that works with athletes that may benefit from this interview, please forward it to them.

Thanks, Lori. Appreciate the interview. If you want a turn-key whole foods-based nutrition program to implement into your business, check out the WOW! Professional Certification HERE

Take care.

Rick Kaselj, MS

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