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If Jumping Exercises Gives You Knee Pain Try this Exercise

If Jumping Exercises Gives You Knee Pain Try this Exercise

If jumping exercises give you knee pain, try this Exercise.

Today, I got another video for you from San Diego.

During my last two trips to San Diego, I had done a bunch of videos for everyone at EFI.

I was doing a Bootcamp yesterday with Mike Whitfield, who was going through an exercise I like.

I think it’s an excellent exercise for people with knee pain or if you can’t do any impact work.

Rick Kaselj: I will get Mike to introduce himself and talk about the Exercise and why the Exercise and modification is a great one to do.

Mike Whitfield: Absolutely. Well, I am Mike Whitfield. I use workout finishers to help people replace any training and long steady cardio with a finisher which is a sweater instead of cardio, which is just more fun.

1. Problem with Jumping Exercises

The Exercise we are talking about is the full body extension, and it’s just a great way to replace the jump squat.

This is how we do the jump squat.

Jump Squat

You go into a squat position, jump, and land in a squat position. If you land in that squat position, you will have a light impact on the knees.

For many people, doing the jump squat gives them pain, or they can’t do it.

If you get pain from the jump squat, the Total Body Extension is a good replacement for it that eliminates all the impact.

2. Replace Jumping Exercises with this Exercise

This is how you do the full body extension.

Total Body Extension

It’s almost like you are jumping into place without losing your breath.

The thing that you want to do is you are going to put your feet about shoulder width apart or maybe a little bit narrower.

You will have your chest and arms behind your glutes, look straight ahead and come up on your toes while simultaneously bringing your arms above your head.

It is important to not just do halfway up with your arms and back down. It would help if you focused on getting those arms up.

Rick and I are at the desk all day and do a lot of writing, products, and things like that. You might be working or have a job at the desk or whatever it is that you are doing and what that’s going to do is to put you into a curved position of your back, and we want to avoid that.

We want to open up those shoulders and back, and that’s going to help with that to put your arms up. You will do a slight squat. I want to show you a slow motion of the full body extension. That gets you up on your toes to get calf work. Eventually, you’ll want to explode into the movement once you are accustomed to movement.

Two things you need to focus on are Depth and Drive.

The faster you go, the faster your heart rate will get up there. It’s a great cardiovascular exercise without any impact on your knees.

Rick Kaselj: Awesome. Mike, where can people get more information about you?

Mike Whitfield: You can go to my blog at You can also go to my website and check out my finishers at

Rick Kaselj: Awesome. So if you have knee issues that you cannot do the jumping try that modification. You saw what Mike did. You can increase the intensity by increasing the speed that you end up doing in each repetition.

If you have knee pain, check out Fix My Knee Pain, and if you are looking for fun workouts with the kettlebell, check out Kettlebell Finishers.

That is it.

Take care and bye-bye.

Rick Kaselj, MS.

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