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IT Band Exercise Questions

IT Band Exercise Questions

IT band exercise questions will help you find the best way to ease pain and strengthen your hips, thighs, and knees.

Good morning.

I am sitting here at the kitchen table, answering a few questions from readers before I head off to enjoy a variety of Canadian Thanksgiving Festivities.

Before I get to the questions, vote on the injury, you would like me to cover this month. You can vote here.

Let’s get to the questions.

Can I Get Back to My Workouts While Doing Your Programs?

Hi, Rick.

I have purchased a few of your Injury Solution programs and have this question.

Can you use the exercise programs from more than one of your programs simultaneously, such as IT Band Syndrome and Fixing Elbow Pain…or are they meant to be done individually?

Also, can you continue with your regular workout routine while using your exercise programs?


Thank you so much, Patty.

Yes, you can use multiple programs simultaneously, but my suggestion would be not to use ones that target the same area. I would not simultaneously do the Iliotibial Band Syndrome Solution and the Jumper’s Knee Solution.

I feel you can do the Iliotibial Band Syndrome Solution and Fixing Elbow Pain simultaneously.

Now, get back to your regular workouts.

I do not advise jumping back to where you were the day before your injury. That will lead to re-injury.

You are going to have to go back and build up to it.

I would suggest returning to your regular workout but to a level that is 50% of what you were at. Excellent course at 50%, then starts increasing the level. Your focus should be on ensuring your technique is perfect because the method will be the only reason you will get re-injured.

I would also start with low-stress exercises on that injured area. For example, you might do bilateral squats with a strong focus on a vertical shin compared to a pistol squat. You can work up to the pistol squat in time.

Yes, you can do your regular workouts while doing the injury programs; just follow my tips in the video presentation of each program.

I hope that helps, Patty.

I Think You Missed the Boat

Is there any research supporting the program that are not 10+ years old ?

Most research done in the last two years overwhelmingly state that stretching the IT band is like trying to stretch a car tire.

I think you missed the boat on this one. But still like your other products.


Hey Dave,

Yes, there is research that is less than ten years old.

If you look in the reference section of the exercise manual in Iliotibial Band Syndrome Solution, you will see it. You can also check out the abstracts and many of the full articles.

Plus, I would also check out the work from Dr. Fredericson; he has done a lot of research on IT Band Syndrome. He is the guy in that area.

The Dangers of Stretching

Hi, I have bought many of your programs, and liked them.

Why is there so much info about not being able to stretch the ITBand because it is a tendon ?

Dr. C for example says ‘You cannot stretch a tendon, only strain it by attempting to stretch it’

Kind Regards;


Thanks for the question, David.

If you take the IT band in a cadaver and out of its typical living environment, it does not have much elasticity or a change in length.

As you know, the IT band is part of a living system, so when you stretch, we don’t fully know if we are stretching the IT band or it is the structures that connect to it or round it that are being stretched and leading to an increase in range of motion.

Maybe in time, we will get research that can distinguish this.

I hope that helps, David.

Just Flick the IT Band

You do not need to stretch the ITB, just flick it back into its correct relationship to the greater trochanter in a specific way. It is a neurological deficit not a physical problem.


Hey Trevor.

Looking at the results from the survey that people have filled out here, I am finding out a lot of doctors, surgeons, physical therapists, chiropractors, etc., are reading my emails, articles, and videos.

I am not one of those disciplines, and my scope of practice does not cover many techniques they use.

My focus is exercise.

When it comes to any manual therapy (touching a client to create a result), that is not my area of expertise. I do not recommend any fitness professional do that unless they have additional education, training, and insurance that covers it.

Plus, I believe in empowering the client and giving them knowledge, skills, and exercises that they can do to take control of their injury. Leading to less dependency on me.

Rick Kaselj, MS

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