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Random Thoughts on Turning 40

Nitka-LakeOn October 27. 2013; I’m turning 40. For the first part of my birthday, I celebrated with my wife. We left the kids with the family, headed off to Whistler to celebrate my birthday, and enjoyed some time together.

It was an amazing drive from Vancouver up to Whistler. (That morning, when mom called, she said it reminded her of the day I was born.) It was sunny, and the mountains were out, showing their beauty.

While in Whistler, we stayed in a nice place called the Nita Lake Lodge.

We drove up, and while walking around the lake, it was a great time to reflect on the last 40 years.

Random Thoughts :

  1. Not sure what the big deal about 40 is. I have better clarity and focus than when I was 30 or 20.
  2. You learn that “less is more.”
  3. A good chunk of the world is just angry; it is best to avoid them and not engage with them.
  4. What you put in your mouth is equally as important as what movement you make.
  5. About critics: “If you have no critics, you’ll likely have no success.” – Malcolm X (So bring on the critics.)
  6. One of the best parts of my day is when I go for a walk with my dog.
  7. Fewer people are going to the gym to exercise. People don’t want to go to the gym. They want to stay at home and reach their health goals.
  8. I like heading out of the house in my PJs, especially my plaid bottoms.
  9. I have an illness, and I think about how to help people in pain or with injuries.
  10. I am not too busy with the things that are important to me.
  11. You got to keep trying new things. That includes going Zip Trekking for the first time while in Whistler. It keeps things exciting, you keep growing, and it adds to your experiences.
  12. When I travel, I like to try girlie drinks. (Cucumber martini was very good in Las Vegas in September.)
  13. A good friend is one you can sit in a silent room with and not feel awkward.
  14. I do not understand Minecraft. I do not get it, even after spending 3 hours putting a Lego Minecraft figure together on Friday. My six-year-old son loves it.
  15. My life would be better if there were no such thing as Twitter.
  16. The thing I look forward to is reading journal articles. (My family thinks I am weird.) I guess I love learning what is new when it comes to pain and injuries.
  17. I think good beers can make my week. A stout or Dunkel are my favorites.
  18. I love my wife more with every day.
  19. I am about 4000% more productive now than I was when I was 21. When I was 21, I was busy. Now at 40, I am productive.
  20. I have no time or energy for drama in my life. Therefore I will never have my reality show.
  21. When I am 50, I think I might be able to grow a mustache.
  22. I might be 40, but my mom still treats me like I am 12. “When you cross the road, look both ways.” “MOM, I am 40; come on.”
  23. I am not as fast of a runner as I was at 30, but I can lift a lot more weight now that I am 40.
  24. I enjoy getting emails from friends, readers, and viewers about the cool things they are doing in their 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. It motivates me and shows me what is possible.
  25. Las Vegas is cool to visit the first three times. After that, it is just noisy, busy, and expensive.
  26. My shoulders, knees, elbows, and back have never felt so good. I am probably the happiest Fix My Pain series client out there.
  27. I like the fact that my truck has heated seats. They come in handy in the winter.
  28. By I am 60, I might write with perfect spelling and grammar.
  29. The fitness industry is all angry about CrossFit. Soon enough, it will move on to something else like it did with Curves.
  30. I have to resist buying fitness toys. Every year, more and more toys come out. They may be fun for me, but most of them are not needed.
  31. I love it when my mom or wife cooks. The food tastes better.
  32. As I age, I am more sensitive to what I eat. I still have an iron-clad stomach, but I feel better when I eat certain things.
  33. Never go traveling without earplugs and a blindfold. You never know who you will be beside on the plane and where your hotel room will be.
  34. I love my four Canada hoodies. I wear one of them every day.
  35. There has to be something better than a Mac. They look pretty and are fast but not very durable. I have blown two hard drives and a battery in the last two months.
  36. I am working hard to know less. I want to know a lot about a few finds and very little about many things.
  37. People ask way too many questions. Especially questions that don’t need to be asked or are not important.
  38. Kids are the greatest teachers.
  39. Every birthday, I think about this song:

Rick Kaselj, MS

P.S. – #40 – Let me know if you have any advice for me as I enter my fourth decade. You can leave your advice below. Thanks.

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