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Rotator Cuff Conditioning Exercises (Webinar)

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The Most Effective Rotator Cuff Exercise Program

DESCRIPTION for Rotator Cuff Conditioning Exercises:

After the back, the second most common injury a fitness professional will encounter is the shoulder. Most times, shoulder injuries, directly and indirectly, involve the rotator cuff. When fitness professionals hear that their client has a rotator cuff issue, they focus on strengthening. Strengthening is crucial for your rotator cuff client, but it is only one part of an effective rotator cuff conditioning program.

In this webinar, fitness professionals will learn how to avoid common rotator cuff exercise mistakes, the five components of a rotator cuff condition program, and exercises to help their client’s rotator cuff injury. The fitness professional must address all five areas of a rotator cuff conditioning program to rehabilitate the rotator cuff fully. If not, they will only band-aide the injury and not fully help their client overcome their rotator cuff injury.

What Will you Learn in this Rotator Cuff Conditioning Exercises Webinar:

The essential element of a shoulder rehabilitation program is using a rotator cuff exercise program. Research suggests that the rotator cuff should be included in the comprehensive shoulder rehabilitation as part of the program. This is because when muscles are weak, they become more prone to injury. So while strengthening the muscles is crucial, it is essential to include other components of an effective shoulder rehabilitation program.

INSTRUCTOR: Rick Kaselj – MS., B.Sc., PK, CPT, CEP, CES

Rick Kaselj specializes in exercise rehabilitation, post-rehab, active rehabilitation, therapy, and corrective exercise. He works in one-on-one and group rehabilitation settings, training people who have been injured at work, in car accidents, and during sports activities. His clients and group exercise participants include a wide variety of individuals from healthy and special populations.

Rick recently completed his Master of Science degree focusing on corrective and therapeutic exercises for the rotator cuff. Rick has given over 233 presentations to 4531 fitness professionals and consumers across Canada while continuing to work in rehabilitation centers, physiotherapy clinics, fitness clubs, and personal training studios. To reach Rick or learn about his exercise rehabilitation courses, please visit

NOTE: This product has been retired.

Take care.

Rick Kaselj, MS

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