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The 7 Minute Ab Workout From Hell

The 7 Minute Ab Workout From Hell

I hope your Monday is going great.

It has been a funny Monday for me.

I am getting a crown done on my front tooth so I have spent most of my day driving to the dentist and then the tooth fabricator (not sure what he is called). Now, I am going to go back to the dentist to get the crown in.

With all of that rushing around, I will was able to get my workout in.

I did a workout from Todd Kuslikis.

He calls it the 7 Minute Ab Workout from Hell.

Here it is:

CLICK HERE to watch it on YouTube

Before I go, Todd has put together an amazing resource called…

It is an amazing bundle. It has 38 bodyweight resources from 39 authors (yes, I am one of them.).

I have a copy of it and if you want a copy, you can get it here.

Take care.

Rick Kaselj, MS


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