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Tips on Working Out While on the Road

Tips on Working Out While on the Road

Working out while traveling can be a challenge, but it isn’t impossible with some planning and dedication. The difficulty in working out while on the road depends mainly on your situation. However, it is possible if you’re willing to put in the effort and make some sacrifices along the way. Below are some ideas for working out while traveling to stay healthy in this challenging environment.

I got some crazy travel coming in January. And I am off to Hawaii (for holidays), Miami (Mastermind Meeting for work), Tampa Bay (working on a knee pain project for 2013), San Francisco (seminar on building an online business), and then back to Tampa Bay (more work on another surprise 2013 project).

I am excited about it but I am a little worried about how I can keep my workouts going while on the road for 26 days.

I reached out to Shawna Kaminski. You have seen her on EFI before. She has been doing a lot of travel for 2012 and had some tips for me and you on what you can do.


~ R

Let the readers know a little about yourself.

I am a retired schoolteacher of 20 years who’s found my passion in the fitness industry. I’ve been a competitive athlete and have competed nationally in three sports.

I’ve parlayed my ability to teach and my love of training into programs that you can benefit from directly. I’m in my late forties, a mother of two teenagers, and I understand how busy life can be.

My workouts are short and intense and often can be done anywhere. I’m always up for a challenge and like to share my fitness challenges with you.

I run my fitness boot camps and coach clients in person and online with excellent result-getting programs.

Where did the idea of a travel workout come from?

I travel a great deal and always do workouts on the road. Several of my fitness boot camp clients have asked for exercises they can do while they’re on holiday from my fitness boot camp, so I thought it would be helpful if I put together a bunch of workouts I’ve done for them.

I am thinking about what I can do on the road as I am in Hawaii, Miami, Tampa Bay, and San Francisco next month. What equipment should I bring with me?

I always travel with my jump rope and gym boss timer. Often I’ll do a bodyweight workout, so bring yourself 😉

If you have access to a hotel gym, there’s usually a bench and a few dumbbells that you can use to spice up a bodyweight workout. (I have a friend who will have an excellent TRX program coming out very soon if you need help using this great piece of equipment.) If you want to get super fancy, bring a TRX and door hanger, and you’ll have a gym in a shoe bag.

What is your favorite travel workout exercise to do?

My favorite travel workout is one that’s timed. I’ll create the sets before I get to the gym. And I’ll often kick myself halfway through the workout because I’ll have done it ridiculously hard, but I never turn back because I said I’d do it.

I’ll string several movements together, alternating strength and HIIT. I can get an incredibly intense full-body workout (or leg workout, back workout, whatever I choose to do that day) quickly, and I’ll have addressed both strength and cardio in record time.

Okay, you talk about workout on the road. Do you have any tips on what people can do to eat healthy on the road if all they can do is eat at fast food joints and restaurants?

Well, my first piece of advice is STOP GOING TO FAST FOOD PLACES. I know this is a little harsh and if it can’t be avoided, go for the salads/veggie options.

I have a ‘travel tip guide’ and ‘choose it and lose it’ guide available to help you make healthier choices when eating out.

Just because you’re in a restaurant, don’t feel you have to order EXACTLY from the menu. If you ask nicely, restaurants can usually accommodate your healthy requests.

Do you have a sample workout that people can do right now?

Here’s a fun one.

Alternate jumping rope for 30 seconds with 30 seconds of the following strength moves: (if a jump rope is unavailable or you’re ‘skipping impaired,’ swap out a jumping jack, a burpee, or a squat jump in its place)

Repeat this three times for a full-body workout that’s under 20 minutes.

Where can people get more information about you and your travel workout?

Check out Challenge Travel Workouts and see if this is right for you. At 35 cents a workout, you really can’t go wrong 😉

Thanks so much, Rick!


Thank you, Shawna; Merry Christmas, and Happy Travels

Rick Kaselj, MS


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