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Upcoming BCRPA Course Called Core Fusion

Upcoming BCRPA Course Called Core Fusion

Core Fusion as a fitness trend is gaining popularity because it combines multiple strength and cardio elements into one routine. This cross-functional training style uses the principles of time, tension, and hybrid training to create fast-paced and challenging workouts. If you are someone who is new to the world of fitness or you don’t want to start with something too advanced; learning about Core Fusion might be ideal for you. Preparing yourself for this course may seem overwhelming at first. However, with this detailed guide, you will know everything you need to know before taking the course.

What is Core Fusion?

The Core Fusion fitness program was created to combine strength training and cardiovascular exercises in order to help its users improve their fitness. Focused exercises are used to help the user adapt to this cross-training style. Furthermore, the program includes a brief workout that focuses on improving the most important aspects of health.

Course Description:

Despite the fact that the back is the core area of the body, we often neglect the fact that there are three of them. As a fitness professional, you must work on all core areas. Weight room instructors and personal trainers will teach a variety of exercises that address all three core areas in this hands-on class. You will leave with a comprehensive understanding of the body’s core regions as well as a practical list of exercises to use with active youngsters.

Course Objectives:

Now that you know what Core Fusion is, why you should take the course, and what you can expect from it, there is nothing stopping you from taking it. Core Fusion is a great way to ease yourself into the world of fitness while improving your core strength at the same time. It is a great course for beginners and is a great way to start your fitness journey.

Date: Saturday, September 17, 2011, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

LocationLive2Play Fitness Studio – Unit #200, 5858 – 176th Street, Surrey, BC  V3S 4E2

About the Presenter:

Rick Kaselj, MS, BSc, PK, CEP, CPT, CES

Rick Kaselj is a personal trainer who focuses on designing exercise programs for clients recovering from injuries.

He shares his tips, tricks, and exercises with thousands of fitness professionals worldwide through his books, courses, presentation, and active blog.

Rick recently completed his Master of Science degree focusing on corrective and therapeutic exercises for the rotator cuff.

To learn more about Rick, visit his blog and receive your $299 fitness education gift –

You can get the flyer for the workshop and register by CLICKING HERE.

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