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Regain Energy And Lose Weight At 70!

Regain Energy And Lose Weight At 70!

Staying active is important to achieving a healthy lifestyle, especially as we age; that is why it is important to know the different weight loss ideas in the elderly. Everyone wants to live and age well, thus creating healthy habits.  Even if you decide to start later in life, it’s never too late! 

Energy Boosters

It is needed to function properly because everything that we do uses energy. Energy fuels the body’s internal functions, repairs, builds, and maintains cells and body tissues, and supports all activities that enable you to live well. Many energy boosters can be bought elsewhere, and relying on them daily can create haphazard peaks and valleys in your energy levels.

No one stays as energetic as a young one, but the energy decline can be delayed, and you still stay active as you age. Here are some ways to boost your energy and feel great as a senior!

Choose To Eat High- Protein Foods

Eating too many carbohydrates will leave you feeling sluggish. Go on a high-protein diet instead (if you have no dietary restrictions) with plenty of lean meats or quinoa. Many vegetables also are high in protein. A boiled egg is a good source of protein and a good source of vitamin D as well. 

Exercise Your Brain And Mind

A simple walk around the neighborhood will stimulate your energy levels. Staying mentally active will keep you sharp and can help with mental health. Hobbies like needlepoint or sewing can be a great way to stay mentally active.

Sleep a Lot

It is important to rest whenever you feel restless. Go to bed as soon as you feel tired and get up simultaneously each day. Taking a nap whenever you like having one should be taken. Ensure you don’t have too much stimulation, and your room ambiance is great for sleeping to have a better sleep

Manage Your Stress

Fearing aging can be stressful. As we age, new challenges will surely hit and eventually come our way, but learning how to manage stress is key to feeling great. Have a date with your family and friends to discuss things, and never let your feelings be hidden. Meditate and pray for the peace of mind and a calm heart.

Hydrate Your Body

Hydration is the easiest but one of the most neglected. Keeping yourself hydrated is the number one way to feel better and will surely boost energy. Good hydration helps in weight loss, balances the electrolytes, and prevents headaches and muscle pain. 

Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy weight is important for overall health and the prevention of various diseases. Having excess weight is known to be associated with a higher risk of developing the following conditions:


Obesity has been a huge problem for seniors and all age groups. Weight loss in the elderly has never been easy, and it’s not just as simple as expending more calories than you consume. Weight loss in the elderly can be more tricky; the challenges are as follows: 

Eating Habits

Most seniors resort to what’s familiar, and what’s familiar to them is not always healthy. Their being routine-oriented makes it difficult to change their eating habits. Weight loss The elderly prefer traditional American comfort foods high in calories and saturated fats. They also consume more sweets, such as soft drinks and desserts. 

Impaired Metabolism

As we age, our metabolism naturally declines. Many factors lead to the loss of muscle mass. This muscle mass loss and an increase in fat contribute to decreasing the body’s metabolic rate because muscle burns more calories than fat. Other factors can also be attributed to slow metabolisms, such as medication side effects, sleep disorders, skipping meals, and depression.

Too Tired To Cook

One consideration when we want to lose weight is choosing foods wisely. Cutting out food eaten from a restaurant and cooking healthier foods is one effective way to lose extra weight. But this is too challenging for seniors who are tired of cooking, are unable to cook or struggle to grocery shop for healthy options.

No Time To Exercise

Due to old age, most seniors find it difficult to exercise because of various medical conditions. They assume they are too restless, sickly, or out of shape to exercise. 

Ways To Combat The Mentioned Challenges

Regardless of the challenges, there are possible ways to combat them and still achieve your goals of maintaining a healthy weight. The tips are as follows:

Stay Strong

As we age, muscle mass is lost naturally, and this can be improved by doing strength training with a variety of weight loss exercises such as light free weights, machines at the gym, yoga, or pilates. It is important to note that muscle burns more calories than fat, and strength training is the best way to build muscle.

Portion Sizes Are The Deal

Smaller portions mean fewer calories, fewer calories, and regular exercise will give a higher chance to lose extra pounds. Make it a habit to choose smaller portions, practice and make it as a habit, use smaller plates or bowls, then fill in the larger portion with low-calorie vegetables instead of carbs and meat.

Hydration Is On The List

Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily for cardio exercises. Often, hunger can be disguised as thirst. As you get older, it may be difficult to notice being thirsty. To know if you are getting enough water, check your urine; it should be pale yellow. 

Moderation, Not Elimination, In An Instant

Immediately eliminating unhealthy things is not a good practice. Developing healthy eating habits should be done slowly. Eating less unhealthy foods before eliminating them would be more sustainable. To develop new eating habits, start slowly and don’t make drastic changes. 

Be Wise With Metabolism

Eat in smaller portions that don’t go much longer than 3 hours without eating in smaller portions again since the metabolism at this age is already slow. Starving yourself will make your metabolism slower. It is also natural that seniors need fewer calories than young ones.


With all these changes, seniors can lose weight and stay fit reasonably. Pay attention to how you’re feeling and what your energy level is. The pounds will come off, and your scale number may not change since you may add muscle mass, and muscle weighs more than fat. It’s important to remember that what matters most is how your body feels, your clothes fit, and how you perceive yourself. 

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