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What is Spinal Fusion?

What is a Spinal Fusion

Lumbar spinal fusion is a surgical procedure that involves fixing two vertebrae together to stabilize the spine and relieve pain.

Background on Spinal Fusion Surgery

Treatment by spinal fusion is based on the concept that pain is generated from a segment of the lumbar spine (Szpalski & Gunzburg, 2007). Lumbar spinal fusion is an extensive and invasive surgical procedure. It usually takes six or more months for the fusion to stabilize (University of Pittsburg Medical Center, 2008; Bradford & Zdeblick, 2004).

Details about Spinal Fusion Surgery

Lumbar spinal fusion is considered a more complicated procedure. In addition, this procedure requires more extensive and invasive dissections and longer surgical operative time, according to (Deyo, Nachemson, & Mirza, 2004). Complications are more familiar with spinal fusion surgery than with other spinal procedures. Around 15% of spinal fusion surgeries result in pseudoarthrosis, a condition where the fusion does not take place or the vertebrae do not fuse completely, according to Deyo metal. (2004).
According to Juratli et al. (2009), deaths related to pain medication years after lumbar fusion surgery occurred in 21% of cases. According to Juratli et al. (2009), 19 accidental overdoses and three suicides accounted for the 22 analgesic-related deaths.

Exercise and Spinal Fusion

Through appropriate exercises, exercise can help speed recovery from spinal fusion. After the surgery, there is no degree of motion between the fused spine. This can cause the adjacent segments to become hypermobile, resulting in pain above or below the fusion (Hall & Brody, 2005). The role of exercises after spinal fusion is valuable as it can help them achieve a faster recovery time.
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How Common is Spinal Fusion Surgery?

Rick Kaselj, MS

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