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What Trainers Should Focus In On

What Trainers Should Focus In On

It’s nice to be at a Fitness Mastermind in San Diego, where it’s sunny and windy. Bedros is a Fitness Mastermind. Thanks to my quick thinking, I pulled Bedros out of the meeting and asked him to comment on the most important training elements. Typically, trainers don’t spend enough time or focus on the most important aspects of building a successful training business.

Companies are eager to find new ways to stand out in today’s service economy. Building a training company may seem like an uphill struggle when it comes to growing your business: it’s one of the most saturated industries around!

Fortunately, there are plenty of opportunities for you to build a thriving training business. We work with many businesses that have built thriving enterprises in this sector – and there are plenty of lessons we can share!

With these tips on building your training business and growing your training business, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a leader in the fitness industry.

What Should Trainers Focus on?

To build a successful business as a professional fitness trainer, Bedros will introduce himself and share two things you should master and focus on.

Hello everyone, my name is Bedros Keulian, and I am a fitness marketing coach. I help personal trainers increase their business and gain more clients to be free.

Those fundamental things, in addition to being a great trainer, delivering results and giving your clients an exceptional experience in your Bootcamp or personal training studio or if you go to their homes, you’ve got to deliver those things.

So Bedros, I will get you to introduce yourself and share those two things that trainers who want to build a business need to focus on and master.

Bedros Keulian: Alright. Hey everybody, I am Bedros Keulian, a fitness marketing coach. I help personal trainers grow their businesses, get more clients, and win their freedom.

In addition to being a great trainer, delivering results, and giving your clients an exceptional experience in your Bootcamp or personal training studio, or if you go to their homes, you’ve got to deliver those things; those are the fundamental things.

Two Important Factors

The two most important factors that the majority of trainers overlook when trying to expand their businesses are marketing and being a great marketer, which involves:

It is not about obtaining more education or certifications or developing your brand.

The main thing to keep in mind once you’ve collected leads and prospects is to sell to them or close them down immediately. You may do this via Facebook, direct mail, or by constructing an email list.

You should be able to convey your passion for physical fitness and weight loss to your client in such a way that they will agree to whatever you are offering and say, “yes, I will take it.” Instead of trying to sell two, three, eight, or ten sessions at once, you should be selling six to twelve programs.

So long as you are a terrific trainer who adds value and delivers results. And gives your customers an incredible experience. You’ve got the bases covered if you can sell and market.

Rick Kaselj: It’s great to have interviewed you, Bedros. Anyway, where can people find out more about you?

Bedros Keulian: You can find out more about me at How to Close 9 out of 10 Customers.

Rick Kaselj: Awesome. Rick Kaselj from windy and beautiful San Diego is here with Bedros. I get videos like this one every few days where I talk about doing interviews and discussing workouts and injuries. If you’ve been viewing this on YouTube, go up there and click “Subscribe.”

Rick Kaselj, MS

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