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2 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Fix Shin Splints

2 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Fix Shin Splints

I was in a Mastermind meeting in Las Vegas a few weeks back.

One of the 40 people who attended was Bayo Adio.

I had never met Bayo in person, but he has been a fan of EFI for years. All of my writing and videos have helped him and his clients. When we finally met during the Mastermind meeting, Bayo asked me a question he often gets from his clients. I thought the answer to his question would help you as well.

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Rick Kaselj, MS

Bayo Adio: One of the questions I get asked about is shin splints, especially with runners or new clients I get.

One of my friends, Rick Kaselj, is an injury expert whom I have been following for years for tips on fixing shoulder, back, and knee pain. He will give us a few tips to help us manage our shin splints.

Rick Kaselj: Hey, I am Rick Kaselj. I specialize in overcoming injuries and pain.

A common injury for those doing boot camps or who have started running is Shin Splints.

People often think that they should be doing specific exercises for shin splints, but often there are two other things that people avoid or don’t do that are important when overcoming shin splints.

A.  Focus on those Shin Splints-specific exercises.

B. You need to look at other things you are doing in your life that could worsen your shin splints.

The two things that you are most likely to do are:

  1. Look to see if you have the right shoes or if your shoes are old. This will increase your risk and make your shin splints worse.
  2. Are you putting an unnecessary load on your lower body throughout the rest of the day? This means if I am running, I am suddenly putting more stress on my lower body by running. For instance, I haven’t run for quite some time, and then suddenly, I started to get back to running. Throughout the day, if I spend a lot of time standing or doing a lot of lower body exercises, all of that is compounding in the lower body and leading to more pain and more likelihood of getting shin splints. Do what you can. If you are focusing on running in your Bootcamp or for running a race, try to decrease how much leg work and standing that you will be doing throughout the day. That will decrease the stress on your legs and help you recover from your shin splints.

Instead of looking at the shins, look at the calves and the soleus. The shins are on the front of the lower leg. Look at your calves and soleus and ensure that you have stretched them outhave good flexibility, and are foam rolling them out. If those muscles are good and long and not tight, that puts less stress on the shin splints. Often, the muscles in the shins have to work harder to overcome those tight calf and soleus muscles.

There you go. Keep doing specific exercises in your shin splints, but make sure to add those two things because they will help you accelerate your recovery from shin splints and also help fend off them for good.

Final Word

If you want more information about me, my name is Rick Kaselj. There is a good chance that I have an article, a video, or an interview that will help you overcome your pain. Swing by and enter in your injury or pain.

That’s it! I cover shin splints as one of the injuries, but I also cover all injury topics. Give those a go, and let me know how it goes below with a comment or a question.

Bayo Adio: There you have it. Thank you so much, Rick!

Rick Kaselj: You are welcome!

Bayo Adio: Thank you so much for sharing that information. Alright, see you guys soon. Bye!

Rick Kaselj, MS

If you are trying to eliminate your shin splints, check out Shin Splints Solved here!

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