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3 Easy Exercises to Strengthen Your Core

3 Easy Exercises to Strengthen Your Core

I’m getting ready to head to Las Vegas for a Fitness Mastermind Meeting. One of the people that I’m going to connect with is Robby Blanchard. He is a CrossFit gym owner and he has a video where he goes through three easy exercises to strengthen your core.

Check out the video and article below! Next time you’ll hear from me, I’ll be in Vegas.

~ Rick

I am Robby Blanchard, owner of CrossFit Reach and creator of 6 Weeks Shred. I am making this video today for my good friend, Rick Kaselj. In this video, Rick wanted to talk about some of my favourite exercises you can do to strengthen your core. I will show you my three favourite exercises, which are all variations of a plank. You can do these variations in the comfort of your home to help you get stronger core and have a better looking body.

3 Easy Exercises to Strengthen Your Core

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.

I will demonstrate the exercises.

1. Plank Up and Down

Plank Up and Down

The nice thing about the plank up and down is it will work at not only on your core, but also on your upper body as you hold that plank position and go through the push up position as well. I am in the plank position and I will hold it for about 3 to 4 seconds. I then move into a push up position, holding it for a couple of seconds, then back down into the regular plank position.

2. One Arm or One Leg Plank

One Arm or One Leg Plank

Now the other way to make this exercise more difficult is to extend an arm out, or raise a leg. Start in the regular plank position, and then extend one arm, trying to be nice and square the entire time. You can raise one leg as well, then return to the starting position.

3. Bear Crawl

Bear Crawl

Start in a push-up position. Keep your hips down, bring one leg in, and staying nice and low, start to crawl. When you are doing this exercise at home or at the gym, go for about 10 to 15 feet down and back. You are working on your core, upper body, lower body as well as your hamstrings. You are really working the entire body on that move.

So, those are the couple of variations of plank that I love. Try them out and enjoy!

For your guide to a strong and toned core, check out the Invincible Core program here!

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