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3 Knee Pain Relief Exercises for Men

3 Knee Pain Relief Exercises for Men

Men are more prone to knee issues due to smaller knees and ligaments. However, there are specific knee pain relief exercises for men. Knee pain is also one of the top reasons people seek out physical therapy. 

Many are familiar with the kneecap and its role in stabilizing the knee. But what they don’t know is that there are also ligaments around the knee, which play a major role in protecting the joint. Ligaments connect bones and provide support to your joints. Since they’re not as visible as muscles, they’re often overlooked, leading to injury and pain.

From arthritis to injury, there are many reasons why men suffer from knee pain. There are many treatments for pain relief, but there are also some quick, effective exercises that may help you relieve your symptoms quicker than going to physical therapy. Here are three simple and effective exercises for knee pain relief!

Best Knee Pain Exercises for Men

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1. Standing Hip Flexor Stretch

Take a big stride with both of your toes pointing straight ahead. Bring your arms over head, tightening up the abdominal area and the glutes, then move your hips forward. Do one set of two repetitions on each side alternating sides. Hold the stretch for about 20 seconds.

Standing Hip Flexor Stretch

Depending on how tight you are, you should feel this stretch in your leg, thigh, hip, and back. Men tend to be tight through the deep back, hip, and thigh. It’s important to target these areas for men with knee pain

2. Foam Rolling Out the Front of the Thigh

Move to the floor, placing the foam roller just above your knee joint. Roll along the front of your thigh up to your hip. We are self-massaging the front of the thigh area. Often men are tight in the thigh, which leads to knee irritation and knee pain.

Foam Rolling Out the Front of the Thigh

Start off with one set, 3 times each way up and down, for a total of 6 movements. Roll out in a smooth controlled movement, holding the end position for about a second and then moving back down. You should feel a deep massage happening, without any excessive pain. Foam roll out both sides. Although you might have knee pain on only one side, often the other knee compensates and is therefore overworked. We want to rehab or prevent it from having an injury. Progress from 3 repetitions to 5 repetitions, and then 10 repetitions.

3. Hip Drops

Place your hand up against a wall to balance. Stand on one leg and complete a single leg squat. Raise back up and straighten the leg out. We are working on the outer hip strength. Knee pain is often the result of weakness in the outer hip.

Hip Drops

Start off with one set of 3 repetitions on each side. You want to feel the muscles in the outer hip being worked. Progress up to 5 repetitions per side, and then to 10 repetitions alternating back and forth.


While the cause for most knee pain is hard to pinpoint, some simple knee pain relief exercises for men will help alleviate your discomfort. Give these three exercises you can do at home to help reduce the swelling and inflammation in your knees.

If you want to eliminate your knee discomfort once and for all, then click here to check out the Knee Pain Solved program.

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