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3 Stretches to Ease Lower Back Pain

3 Stretches to Ease Lower Back Pain

Many people experience lower back pain from time to time that is why there are lower back pain relief exercises for you. This is a painful condition that can reduce your quality of life and lead to prolonged absence from work or school. Lower back pain can be debilitating and is often caused by several factors. These include repeated movements in certain positions, poor posture, and long periods of sitting. However, it’s not always easy to pinpoint the cause of lower back pain. No matter the reason or how severe your lower back pain may be, stretching out your muscles can help alleviate some of the tension and stress that comes from tightness. Here are three lower back pain relief exercises that will help it alleviate.

Best Lower Back Pain Stretches

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1. 90-90 Hip Flexor Stretch

90-90 Hip Flexor Stretch

Get into the 90-90 position, placing your front leg at a 90-degree angle in the hip. Tighten up your abdominal area and glutes, then move your hip forward. You are looking for a stretch in the front of the leg and in the front of the hip. This is an excellent low back pain relief exercises. Do one set of 2 repetitions on each side, alternating back and forth, holding for about 20 seconds.

2. 90-90 Hip Flexor Stretch With Arm

90-90 Hip Flexor Stretch With Arm

Get into the 90-90 position, kneeling on your left knee. Extend your right arm over your head to intensify the stretch. Tighten up your abdominal area and glutes, then move your hips forward. Focus on the stretch a little bit deeper towards your back area, and target the hip flexor muscles. Do one set of two repetitions on each side, alternating back and forth and holding for 20 seconds.

3. Knees Side to Side

Knees Side to Side

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet together. Then, rock your knees side to side to about 45 degrees. Focus on loosening up the hips.  If your hips are tight, it forces the low back to do more of the movement but you can try lower back pain relief exercises. We will loosen up the hips so they put less stress on the low back and try the lower back pain relief exercises.

If you are not feeling much with this, separate your feet to hip-width apart and move your knees side to side, rocking at about 45 degrees. This is a dynamic stretch, so move to the side, holding for a second or two, and then move to the other side. Do one set of three repetitions each way, holding for a second or two. You can progress to 5 repetitions with a 2-second hold and then you can progress to 10 repetitions each way for a 2-second hold.


When people experience lower back pain, it can be a real bummer but you can try lower back pain relief exercises. This is especially true for those who just want to get through the day without issues. If you find yourself in this position, these three stretches ease lower back pain and help you enjoy your time off the couch. The stretches will also help keep your joints and muscles strong and in working order so that you can have a more active life.

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

If you are suffering from any kind of back discomfort and want to end the pain permanently, then click here to check out the Low Back Pain Solved program for lower back pain relief exercises.

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