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3 Progressive Cross Training Workouts for You

Cross-training is a form of exercise that focuses on specific movements and areas of the body. It’s a great way to change up your routine and challenge muscles in new ways. Cross-training can also help you prepare for other workouts or competitions.

Today I have three workouts for you; pick the one best for you.

There is a beginner, intermediate or advanced.

They are from Tyler Bramlett and highlight his concept of progressive cross-training.

Give one of the workouts ago today.

Hey, what’s up, guys? Tyler here, and today I will show you a Cross Training Workout. We will be using my brand new progressive movement technology that is in the CT-50 System.

Before you hear all those words of this crazy mumbo jumbo, let me talk to you about why progressive movement technology is so important.

The reason why, and I have made this mistake before, is that people often will do too advanced of a workout for themselves, or they will get lazy and stick specifically to the beginner version of the workouts and not push themselves beyond. — In either case, you will not get the best results possible.

The best results can be achieved using progressive movement technology to make each exercise more difficult regarding movement complexity, speed, and coordination.

Let’s take you over to the beginner of this workout.

Pulling Cross Training

Some of the best cross-training exercises for people are pulling exercises. Pulling exercises like rowing work your core, back, and arms. This is a great way to challenge your body in a new way and build strength. Rowing is a low-impact exercise, so it can be a great option if recovering from an injury.

Beginner Cross Training Workout

For the beginner variation of this workout, you will set the timer for 10 minutes. You will let that timer go for 10 minutes; during those 10 minutes, you can see how many rounds you can do of the following three exercises.

You will take a pair of rings or a barbell and put it about waist level to do bodyweight rows and five reps of the Bodyweight Row.

And then, you will do five reps of the Touch Jump. This is a burpee without touching the ground. You can touch the ground with your hand and come back and jump.

And finally, you will take your dumbbell or kettlebell and do Swings.

Just five simple reps of each exercise. You go through this for the entire 10 minutes on this beginner workout. You will see how many times you can go through these 5 Rows, 5 Touch Jumps, and 5 Swings, and you record how many times you get it done.

Once you see a significant improvement from where you started to where you are now, you can go on to this next intermediate variation of this exercise.

Intermediate Cross Training Workout

For the intermediate variation of this workout, you will utilize this progressive movement technology and make each of the three exercises from the beginner workout slightly more difficult.

We will start first by lifting your rings or using a pull-up bar and doing a Jumping Pull Up to Slow Negative, which is about a 3-second negative. You are going to grab those rings, and you are going to jump up, and you count one, two, and three. Do five reps of this.

Now we will take the Burpees to the next level. You will put your hands on the ground, jump back to a tight plank, glute tight, core tight, and back up, then jump. Do five reps of this.

We are moving on to One Arm Swings. So same exercise with the last level, you grab your dumbbell or kettlebell, swing it up, and back up. Do five reps of this and then switch to the other hand for five reps and bring it down safely. Remember that it’s all about the hips and the core.

With this intermediate variation, you will do the same three exercises: 5 Pull-Ups to Negatives, 5 Burpees without the push-ups, 5 One Arm Swings Right, and 5 One Arm Swings left as many times rounds as you can, this time for 12 minutes up.

Once you see a significant improvement from the first time you did this workout to, say, 2 or 3 months down the road, you are getting way more rounds and way more reps in; then you can move on to this final advanced variation.

Advanced Cross Training Workout

For this last and final variation, this is the advanced version of the workout you just saw. We just saw the beginner and intermediate. Now we are going to take you to the next level.

We will do 5 Full Pull-Ups, 5 Full Chest Ground Burpees, and 5 Full Arm Snatches in the Right and Left Arms. You will repeat that for 15 minutes, this time for as many rounds as possible.

I’ll take one more second to explain why this progressive movement technology is so important if you want to get the best results possible.

Start the advanced workout, grab onto your pull-up bar or pair of rings, and we will start with 5 Pull-Ups. If you guys can’t quite do these pull-ups, using a little mini-kip is okay. Do five repetitions.

5 Chest to Ground Burpees

5 Chest Ground Burpees this time. Everything comes all the way down to the ground. You press up with your core tight, bring yourself up, and jump. Do five repetitions.

And finally, grab that dumbbell or kettlebell and do 5 Full Snatches with your arm all over your head. Do five reps on your right arm, then switch to the left for five reps. Again I am pulling it with my hips.

Repeat that workout — 5 Pull-Ups, 5 Chest Ground Burpees, 5 Snatches Right, and 5 Snatches Left for as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes. That is the advanced variation of this workout.

As you can see, each of the three levels is progressively more difficult than the last. You have the beginner level, which is fairly easy, and the intermediate level, which becomes harder and increases in length. And the advanced level uses advanced exercises and again increases in length.

This is so important because if you are a beginner doing an advanced workout, you are not going to get the results you want, you can potentially get injured, and ultimately you will burn yourself out faster. You are not simply pushing yourself hard. If you are an advanced person stuck in the beginner or intermediate workout, you will not get the best results possible from your workouts.

And that is exactly why we created the CT-50 System, which highlights five levels of progress, starting with beginner basic exercises and workouts. Going all the way to some of the most advanced hardcore workouts you’ve ever seen in a Cross Training format so you can do them in addition to any exercise that you currently enjoy.

If you guys are interested and learn more about Workouts, go ahead and click the links below. Otherwise, enjoy those workouts, and thanks for watching.

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