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5 Best Stretches to Fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt

5 Best Stretches To Fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Today, I will share a few best stretches to help correct your anterior pelvic tilt.

This morning, I took the kids to school. Then, I came across this awesome stretch of sidewalk.

The leaves fall from the trees and blow away across the sidewalks.

Walking on the big pile of leaves was a lot of fun. This reminds me to stop for a while and try being a kid again whenever possible.

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.

I got Jenna to demonstrate the exercises.

 1. Standing Quads Stretch

In a standing position, with one leg straight and the other flexed, bring the heel toward the seat and grab the forefoot with a hand.

Standing Quads Stretch

In this position, we are looking for a stretch in the quads.

Progression: If you want to intensify the stretch, you can bring the knee back a little more. This targets the quads, the front of the hips, and hip flexors, which tend to be tight if you have anterior pelvic tilt.

Perform one set of 2 reps, alternating back and forth between your legs with a 20-second hold. You should feel a light stretch.

2. 90-90 Hip Flexor Stretch

Come into a kneeling position with the front knee and hip at 90 degrees, keeping the front foot flat as much as possible. Tighten the abdominal area and glutes, and then bring the hips forward. The opposite hip is straight, with the knee flexed.

90-90 Hip Flexor Stretch

This will give a great stretch for the anterior pelvic tilt because it targets the front of the quads, which tend to be tight, especially the rectus femoris ― the double joint quad muscle. This also works on the hip flexors, which tend to be tight in people with anterior pelvic tilt.

Perform one set of 2 reps, alternating sides with 20-second holds. You should feel a light stretch.

3. The Pigeon Pose

From a plank position, bring the foot up and bring it to the opposite hand, and then lean on the front leg.

The Pigeon Pose

We are working on stretching out the rotators in the hip, which are often tight in people with an anterior pelvic tilt.

Perform one set of 2 reps, alternating back and forth, with 20-second holds. You should feel a light stretch in the hip rotators.

4. Back Arches

From the downward dog, go into the press-up or back-arched position.

Back Arches

Often, people with anterior pelvic tilt have poor mobility in the lower back, which contributes to anterior pelvic tilt. Hence, we want to increase the mobility and movement in the lower back to help with anterior pelvic tilt. We are working on mobility in the lumbar spine or lower back.

Perform one set of 5 reps with 3 to 5 seconds holds at the end position. You should feel an increase in mobility in the low-back area.

5. Single-leg Happy Baby

Lie on your back. Pull your left knee toward your shoulder, grabbing the left foot with your left hand, and then hold the knee to the side. Switch to the other side.

Single-leg Happy Baby

We are working on that end range in the hips, in the opposite direction, targeting the glutes and the hamstrings.

Perform one set of 2 reps, alternating back and forth between your legs. Start the hold at 10 seconds, progress to 15  seconds, and then to 20 seconds. You should feel a light stretch in the glute and hamstring area.

Give those five stretches a go when dealing with anterior pelvic tilt.

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

If you want to improve the activation, endurance, and strength of your gluteus maximus, click here to check out the Best Gluteus Maximus Exercises program!

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