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5 Stretches You Have To Do After You Run

5 Stretches You Have To Do After You Run

Here are five simple yet effective stretches you have to do after every run if you want to stay healthy and happy about your body

Here on the west coast, things have heated up. 

The snow has melted, and we are getting above 10 degrees Celsius. 

It is time to start thinking about dusting off the running shoes and getting outside.

Today, I have a guest post from Bayo on stretches you must do after your run. When we get back into running, many of us neglect stretching. This can lead to muscle pain and tightness, and even injuries. 

Take it away, Bayo!

Rick Kaselj, MS

Hello, how are you guys doing?

My name is Bayo Adio from Kansas. I am a track and field coach, a certified personal trainer, and a running coach.

I have helped many people run 5Ks, half marathons, and obstacle course races. But today, my goal is to share five stretches you need to do after running.

Click Here to watch the YouTube video.

1. Hip Flexor and Psoas Stretch

Move into a 90-90 position, with your knee and hip at a 90-degree angle.

For a deeper stretch, lean forward a little bit more. This will help stretch your hip flexor, which often gets tight when you run.

Hip Flexor and Psoas Stretch

Complete two repetitions and hold this stretch for approximately 20 seconds on each side.

2. Glute Muscle Stretch

Sit on the floor with your knees raised and cross one ankle above the opposite knee. You will likely feel some tightness in the muscles here.

Glute Muscle Stretch

For a deeper stretch, lie on your back, reach through the hole between your legs and pull your leg closer.

Glute Muscle Deep Stretch

3. Quadriceps Stretch

Quadriceps Stretch

Your quadriceps will generally get quite tight as well. If needed, hold on to a wall or chair for balance. Hold this stretch for 20 seconds on each leg.

4. Hamstring Stretch

Hamstrings often get tight after running. Move into a 90-90 position, extend your front leg forward, straighten your knee, and lean forward. Slowly bend as far forward as you can.

1st Hamstring Stretch

Or you can also stay right here.

2nd Hamstring Stretch

Remember, the goal is not to strain the muscle. The goal is to stretch it to where you start feeling a little stretch and then hold it there. Again, try to do 30 seconds on both sides.

5. Shoulder Stretch

We often overlook shoulder stretches when running. One simple stretch for your shoulders is to grab your elbow and pull. Hold for 20 seconds on each shoulder.

Shoulder Stretch

We don’t do a lot of stretching when we start running. We focus a lot on mobility, dynamic stretches, and drills to get warmed up and walk. The static stretches are usually saved for after a run.

Thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed the stretches. Remember, always commit to being a better you! Good luck with your running! Peace!


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