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5 Soothing Exercises To Relieve Back Pain During Pregnancy

5 Soothing Exercises to Relieve Back Pain During Pregnancy

I wanted to show you a few relieving back pain exercises for pregnancy.

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5 Soothing Exercises To Relieve Back Pain During Pregnancy

1. Hip Circles From The Ground

Firstly, start by kneeling on the ground facing the ball. Hold to the ball to prop your body up, and then bend your knees as much as you can. Go through the hip circle movement from clockwise, and then counterclockwise rotation.

Hip Circles From the Ground

Firstly, start with one set of 3 reps in each direction. A full circle is one repetition. Secondly, perform this exercise in a smooth, controlled movement with a quick stop at the end position. The intensity is light. You are looking for mobility or movement in the hip and working to stretch out and loosen things up in the pelvic area.

2. Forward Fold Against The Wall

Start this Back Pain Exercises For Pregnancy, stand in front of the wall, and put your hands against it. Bend through the hips, pull your hips backward bend your upper body forward, and then go back to the start position.

Forward Fold Against the Wall

Start with one set of 3 reps. Hold to the bottom position for 5 seconds then progress to 10 seconds. The intensity is light. The purpose of this exercise is to loosen up the glutes and hamstring area and hips and mid-back areas. These are the areas that tend to be tight and stiff for those that are pregnant.

3. Single-Leg/Single-Arm Reach

Firstly, start in a four-point kneeling position. Secondly, hands are underneath the shoulders and knees are underneath the hips. Thirdly, maintain a good alignment with the hip, shoulders, and head. Then, tighten your abdominal area. Extend your right leg behind you while reaching your left arm forward, and hold to that position for a couple of seconds, then go back to the start position. Lastly, repeat the movement to the opposite side.

Single-leg/Single-arm Reach

Start with one set of 3 reps on each side alternating back and forth. Then, perform this exercise in a smooth, controlled movement with a good stop at the end position. The intensity is light. The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen the abdominal area and the muscles around the hips and the shoulders.

4. Cat-Cow Exercise

Firstly, start in a four-point kneeling position. Secondly, hands are underneath the shoulders and knees are underneath the hips. Thirdly, maintain a good alignment with the head, shoulders, and hips. Then, drop your head, round up your mid-back and lower back, and tilt your pelvis back. Hold to that top position for a couple of seconds, and then move into the opposite way. Finally, tilt your pelvis forward, lower your low back and mid-back, and lift your head up. Repeat the movement.

Cat-cow Exercise

Start with one set of 5 reps on each position. Rounding and arching is 1 repetition. Perform this exercise in a smooth, controlled movement with a good stop at the end position on each of them. The intensity is light. This exercise is more of a mobility exercise to improve the movement in the spine and decrease the stress on it.

5. Back Arches

Begin in a nice and upright standing position. Legs are hip-width apart. Put your hands underneath your hip and lower back area. Push your hips forward with your hands, arch your lower back and mid-back area, and lift your head up. Go back to the start position and repeat the movement.

Back Arches

Start with one set of 5 reps. Perform this exercise in a smooth, controlled movement with a good stop at the end position for 1 to 2 seconds. The intensity is light. The purpose of this mobility exercise is to loosen up the pelvis, low back, and mid-back areas.

Give these five exercises a go if you are pregnant and have back pain and are looking for simple exercises to help relieve that back pain.

If you want to overcome your lower back pain flare-up so that you can move your back around without worrying if the pain will come back, then check out the Low Back Pain Solved program, here!

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

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