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BCRPA Fitness Conference Recap (BC Fit ’10)

The BCRPA Fitness Conference is BC’s trainers’ most significant and most exciting event of the year. It’s the place to find out what’s new and upcoming in the fitness industry—and it’s also the only place where you can network with other trainers, discuss strategies with your peers and learn from industry leaders in one space. This conference isn’t just a day or two of lectures; it’s an entire conference spanning three days. You won’t want to miss this event! The BCRPA Fitness Conference is an excellent opportunity to learn more about what your peers are working on and thinking about in their training businesses. Whether you are looking to take your business to the next level, get inspired by others doing that already, or want tips on improving your training practice, you will find something for yourself at this year’s conference.

I was off to the BCFit’10 (2010 BCRPA Fitness Conference). It was a great day. I presented the sessions for a total of 4 hours:

Start Teaching Shoulder Exercises that Help, Not Hurt

Shoulder injuries lead to pain, prevent people from doing the things they love, and make the most straightforward tasks painful. Many will learn exercises to help them recover from their shoulder injury. But too often, strength exercises will lead to slower recovery. What needs to strengthen the shoulder is activating, building endurance, and strengthening key muscles in the shoulder.

The shoulder is the most movable joint in the body and has a high range of motion. It can be easily injured, so strengthening your shoulders should not be taken lightly. Maintaining the shoulder is a necessary process and should not be rushed. The three things that need to happen are activation, building endurance, and strengthening key muscles in the shoulder. Activation will help work on mobility and stability of your shoulders which helps with injury prevention or lessening existing pain. Building up endurance is necessary because it allows you to perform activities for more extended periods without feeling soreness or discomfort after a workout session! Lastly, you’ll increase muscle size by strengthening key muscles in your shoulders, like when performing overhead presses.

Core Exercises that Most Fitness Professionals Overlook

Many times, fitness professionals focus only on the back to improve core stability. What is equally important is to look at the core stability of the hip. Poor activation, endurance, and strength in the hip core lead to a greater risk of injury to the lower back, hip, and knee. In this conference session, fitness professionals will learn a progressive exercise program they can use with their trainer and group fitness clients to improve the core stability in their hips.

The hip is a complex joint that requires strong and balanced muscles to function correctly. As clients age, their muscle mass drops, leading to an imbalance of the pelvic girdle. This may make it difficult for some individuals with low extremity strength or balance issues to perform exercises on one side of their body without compensating from the other side. A progressive exercise program will teach fitness professionals how to improve core stability by using progression levels appropriate for each client’s abilities and limitations while also working towards injury prevention.

Corrective Exercises For Helping Your Clients Run Injury Free

Running is one of the adults’ most popular recreational activities, but most will have to stop due to an injury. The most common injuries in runners are knee pain, shin splints, back pain, and plantar fasciitis or heel spurs. There is also the issue of overuse which can be caused by continuously running for long periods without giving your body any rest days.

Along with a solid running program that prevents overtraining, there are several essential exercises that a fitness professional must include in a recreational runners program to keep them running injury-free.

It was great to share what I know with other fitness professionals.

If you did attend one of my sessions, remember the unique link you have to go to to get a copy of my presentations.

Feedback from those that have attended has been overwhelming:

Jenny even asked for a photo with me after my presentation. Kind of a new thing for me.

I didn’t know Cathy was there; it was great to see that I could help her.

It was great to see the BCRPA conference as such a huge success. They had 375 registrants and good sized tradeshow.

It was nice to be part of the event, and it was cool to play a role in organizing the event. I was part of the advisory group that helped with the conference.

I am looking forward to the next BCRPA conferences in 2011.

Rick Kaselj, MS

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