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Best Knee Pain Exercises

Best Knee Pain Exercises

Knee pain is a common problem that most people experience at some point. It is usually caused by the wear and tear of daily activities, such as running, walking, or playing sports. Often, these conditions result from overuse or an injury sustained during sports or physical activity.

Chronic knee pain can be debilitating. It is a symptom that your body has been exposed to too much pressure, which requires rest and physical therapy to recover. Signs of chronic knee conditions include swelling, redness, warmth, or numbness in one or both knees; reduced range-of-motion due to muscle weakness/atrophy around the joint; difficulty walking on uneven surfaces (example: stairs); persistent feeling of heaviness and instability while standing up after sitting down for an extended period.

While there are no universal best exercises for knee pain, some have been proven to help maintain healthy knees and prevent future injuries. These exercises are also great for strengthening joints such as the hips and ankles. Here, we will discuss the best knee exercises you can do at home with minimal equipment to relieve your pain and get back to living healthy again.

1. Standing Hip Flexor Stretch

Standing Hip Flexor Stretch

Some common causes of knee pain are due to tight hip flexors. The standing hip flexor stretch helps to loosen tight muscles in the hips and relieve tension in the knee. To do this exercise, take a big step forward, flat on the front foot and your front knee bent. Tighten up your abdominal area and glutes, then bring your hips forward. Look for a slight stretch in the front of your thigh and hip. Hold this for 20 seconds, alternating back and forth doing two repetitions on each side.

2. Wall Plank with Leg Kicks

Wall Plank with Leg Kicks

This exercise works on stability in the hip, glutes, hamstrings, and core, helping address knee pain. Begin by finding a sturdy wall that is at least waist-high. Place your hands against the wall slightly below shoulder height. Move to your forearms. Tighten your abdominal area, keeping your body in a straight line. Now, add leg kicks, alternating back and forth. Do a total of 10 repetitions, five on each side, alternating back and forth.


The first thing to remember is that you should always contact an expert before attempting any new exercise routines. Even if you think you know what exercises are best, it’s always worth consulting with a professional first. The best knee exercises will help ease initial pain and prevent future injuries.

In addition to relieving your pain, these exercises are great for strengthening joints such as the hips and ankles. You don’t have to go outside or buy expensive equipment. You can do these exercises at home with minimal equipment. These exercises will also help strengthen your hips and ankles, which in turn will prevent future injuries.

If you want to end your knee discomfort permanently, then click here to check out the Knee Pain Solved program.

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