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Best Mobility Exercises For The Neck

Best Mobility Exercises For The Neck

Neck pain and tension are extremely common. You have probably woken up with a kink in your neck or moved your neck too quickly and aggravated it. Keeping the neck mobile and not stiff is necessary to prevent injury and pain. In this video, I wanted to go through the best mobility exercises for the neck. Use the exercises in this post to help increase your neck mobility and keep your neck muscles healthy.

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Best Mobility Exercises For The Neck

I will get Andrea to demonstrate.

You will perform four exercises for this exercise to help mobilize your neck, focusing on the mid-back. Begin seated in a chair with your back straight, not leaning against the backrest. Start crossing your hands onto opposite shoulders and then doing a side bend. Focus on the mid-back area where the movement is happening, and then you will move your head. Your head will follow this movement, and then you will move to the other side. Do side bending with the mid-back and your head, and then return to the start. Move forward, rounding through the mid-back area and bringing the head forward. You are then going to arch, focusing on arching in that mid-back area and bringing the head back.

Start with 2-3 repetitions in each direction. Regarding the hold length, go for a 1-2 second hold. After you have done that, see how you feel. If you feel worse, make sure you are doing the exercises correctly. If it still doesn’t feel right, discontinue the exercise. When the exercise makes you feel better, you can progress the exercise. You can progress to about five repetitions in each direction. You can do this exercise every day. And you are loosening up the mid-back and neck to give the neck more movement. Make sure to go through all four directions: left side, right side, back, and forward.

The neck is a very sensitive area, and the muscles in the neck can become aggravated easily. Make sure you start very gently with these exercises and slowly progress to more repetitions and longer holds.

Final Word

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Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

If you want to eliminate neck discomfort and pain permanently, click here to check out the Neck Pain Solved program.

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