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Rehabilitation Exercises For Elbow Bursitis

Elbow bursitis is the inflammation in the olecranon bursa — the fluid-filled sac that protects and cushions your elbow joint. It’s usually caused by overuse from your job or activities like sports. You’ll probably only need at-home treatments including elbow bursitis exercises to help your bursa heal. Most people recover in three to six weeks.

The treatment is about easing discomfort and preventing or curing the infection. If the elbow bursa is not infected, take the following steps:

The following are things you can do to help prevent bursitis from returning:

Typical Rehabilitation Exercises

Start the elbow bursitis exercises slowly. Ease off the exercise if you start to have pain. Before starting with the exercise, it is best to seek his doctor’s approval before starting with the program. 

1. Elbow Flexion Stretch

2. Elbow Extension Stretch

3. Pronation and Supination Stretch

4. Hand Flips

The treatment is about easing discomfort and preventing or curing the infection. If the elbow bursa is not infected, take the following steps:

The following are things you can do to help prevent bursitis from returning:


Elbow bursitis is often caused by the usual activities you love. However, bursitis is quick to heal and does not require special treatment. Don’t ignore any new symptoms, especially pain or swelling. You need to treat these symptoms by taking a short break from the activity that caused bursitis. But if these symptoms persist, you should check them with your doctor.

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