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Exercises for Achilles Tendonitis

In this article, we will discuss Achilles tendonitis exercises.

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Now off to part 3.

Treatment and Management of Achilles Tendonitis

Acute Achilles Tendonitis

Movements to Avoid

Acute injury involving the Achilles tendon is often effectively managed with conservative treatment. Take a break from activities that involve repetitive and forceful plantar flexion (Coming onto the toes). Resting can bring about positive effects on the injured tendon. Many times this is enough to do the trick.

Training Tips

If you are an athlete and want to maintain your fitness level, the best solution is to cut back the intensity of your training and modify activities that involve hill work and speed work. If you train twice a day, you may change it to once daily. You can also take one or two days off between weekly training sessions to maintain your form. You might shift the focus of your training program to activities that decrease the amount of plantar flexion.

The Use of Ice

Application of cold compressions to the affected area is also essential. With acute Achilles tendonitis involving inflammation, it is vital to control and decrease that inflammation.

Ice or cold compressions are usually applied for 10 to 20 minutes to reduce inflammation and control pain and swelling. Ice is applied every two hours for 48 to 72 hours during the initial injury.

Keep in mind not to apply ice directly onto your skin. You can wrap ice cubes in a towel to avoid skin damage.

Compression Wraps

The application of compression wraps may also help in providing support to the injured tendon during walking or running. It also helps in relieving swelling.

Apply a wide, firm, and elastic compression bandage to cover your ankle and lower leg. Begin by wrapping around all the toes, the foot, and the ankle. Before applying, ensure that your skin is dry and clean.

The application of compression wraps is a valuable thing to do during acute injuries. It must comfortably wrap around your foot and ankle. Wrapping it too tight can slow down the process of tissue healing.

Other Things You Can do

Elevating the affected leg drains the excess fluids, helps relieve swelling and decreases pain.

Pain and anti-inflammatory medications may be something that helps with inflammation during the initial stages of your injury.

Chronic Achilles Tendonitis or Tendinosis

Long-term Achilles tendonitis is treated in the same way as an acute flare-up, except that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and ice applications are less effective. You will need to follow a unique rehabilitation program.

Orthotics and Foot Biomechanics

Structural deformities involving the foot may be a risk factor for Achilles tendonitis.

Overpronation, a condition where the foot flattens, can add significant stress or load to the tendon.

Worn out causes Achilles tendonitis, so you should get a proper fitting set of new shoes.


Operative treatment may be considered if the symptoms disrupt your everyday routines despite 6 to 12 months of conservative treatment.


Including appropriate exercises in your treatment regimen can help protect the Achilles tendon from further damage or progression.

Conditioning can be maintained during the initial phases of acute tendinitis by altering your exercises and activities. When cross-training, swimming, biking, or aqua jogging (Gottschlich et al., 2009), avoid repetitive and forceful plantar flexion.

Include calf strengthening exercises into your exercise program. This is essential.

These exercises will not only provide better support to the Achilles tendon, but they may also stimulate the production of type 1 collagen fibers, improving the tendon’s strength and endurance to stress.

You can do calf stretches after the pain has subsided. These exercises should be done with the knee in extension and flexion to stretch the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, respectively.

Recommended Exercises for Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles Tendonitis Stretch

Achilles Tendon Calf Raise

Achilles Tendon Single Leg Calf Raise

If you are looking for an exercise program to help you with your Achilles Tendonitis, I would suggest this one:

Rick Kaselj, MS

Here are some of the other Injury and Exercise Reports that I have done in the past:

Here is another video related to Achilles Tendinitis:

Heel Drop Exercise

Here are some other articles that may interest you relating to Achilles Tendinitis:

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