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Fitness Education Kind Words from Email

Fitness Education Kind Words

Do you ever get a negative email? The kind of email that is so negative and biting.

Incredibly, someone could write something so mean.

I got one of those emails earlier this week. It put me in a tailspin for a few days. You get wondering about what you are doing.

Thankfully, I have had a few kinds of words that have been sent to me that have rubbed out the mean comments.

Let me share them with you.

This is an email Sharon sent me about the Shoulder Injury Guide that she signed up for:

Hi Rick,

Thank you so much for the gifts. It is amazing what you gave. I found the course I took with you really good and all your information very valuable. I appreciate the time you put in sharing your knowledge with us.



Email from Clients

Here is a lovely email from a client that I trained on Sunday. I don’t usually do training on Sunday, but I decided to give it a go, and I was thrilled that I could help her out. This is the email that she sent me:

It too was nice meeting you. For the first time in a very long time I had an almost pain free walk. I have noticed my low back pain has greatly decreased as well as my right hip pain. I am truly amazed.



A friendly email about yesterday’s blog post:

Two thumbs up for this article:)


I also got a question about foam rolling and pregnancy. Let me share with you the answer that I sent her:

Just wondering if it is okay to continue foam rolling while pregnant? I am now 11 weeks.


Lower Body Foam Rolling

If you have been active and are in good shape, you should be doing lower body foam rolling—for example, the legs and glutes area.

You will have to see how you are when it comes to moving from standing to sitting. At 11 weeks, you should be fine. If you have any difficulties or dizziness when doing this, let your doctor know and discontinue the foam rolling.

I would not do any foam rolling in the lower back or abdominal area.

You will have to see how you are when doing mid-back foam rolling. It should be fine if you have good core strength, but as you get later in your pregnancy, you may have to cut that out.

One other thing, as your pregnancy continues, your joints will become more and more relaxed. You will have to be cautious or even cut out any foam rolling you are doing for mobility, for example, in the thoracic or pelvic area.

I hope this helps out.

Just a reminder, I do read all of my emails. I am not perfect, and my ideas and theories are constantly evolving. Before sending a negative email, please ask yourself if you are providing constructive feedback or just being mean.

If you do have kind words, please do send them along. It is very motivating to get these words and makes me want to give more.

Have a great day!

Rick Kaselj, MS

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