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5 Hip-opening Yoga Poses

5 Hip-Opening Yoga Poses

Today, I will share a few hip-opening yoga poses that will open up your hips.


CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.

I had Jenna demonstrate the exercises.

1. Downward Dog to Mountain Climber

To begin hip-opening yoga poses, start in a four-point position and then move into a plank position. Do the downward dog, move back into a plank position, and then do a mountain climber. Pull one knee up and in towards the side of your arm and shoulder. Go back to the downward dog position and then do the plank position. Do the same movements on your opposite side. Repeat the exercise, alternating legs.

Downward Dog to Mountain Climber

Perform one set of 5 reps, alternating back and forth in a smooth, controlled movement, with a good stop at each of the positions. The intensity is light for this dynamic stretch. Look for a light stretch in the hip area.

The purpose of this exercise is to stretch out the hip. You will feel a stretch at the end of the downward dog and the mountain climber. With the mountain climber position, you are strengthening the muscles around the hips, specifically the stabilizers, which will help loosen up and stretch out the hip.

2. Downward Dog Into Pigeon Pose

Start in a plank position and move into the downward dog position. Bring one leg up, bring it across, do the pigeon pose and lean into it. Return to the plank position and repeat the movements on the opposite side.

Downward Dog Into Pigeon Pose

Perform 1 set of 3 reps in a smooth, controlled movement, with a good stop or stretch at the end position, specifically the pigeon pose. Try to stay in that end position for 3  to 5 seconds. The intensity is light. The purpose of this exercise is to stretch out the hips, specifically the rotators of the hips. We are stretching out the hamstrings and glutes at the end of the downward dog. We are also stretching out the hips when we are going into the end of the pigeon pose.

3. Warrior One

Begin in an upright standing position and take one big step forward with one leg. Bring your arms up overhead with your eyes following your hands. Maintain a nice arch in the low back. When you bring your arms over your head, bend your back knee a little to the ground. Repeat the movements on the other side.

Warrior One

Perform one set of 3 reps on each side, alternating back and forth in a smooth, controlled movement, with a good stop at the end. The intensity is light. The purpose of this exercise is to stretch out the hips. When you take a big step forward, you will feel the stretch in the hips and legs. As you bring your arms over your head, the stretch will intensify, especially in the hip of the leg behind you.

4. Warrior Two

Begin in an upright standing position and take one large step forward. Open up your hips as you rotate your back leg. Stretch one arm out front and one behind. When you reach the end, move your whole body forward.

Warrior Two

Perform one set of 3 reps on each side, alternating back and forth in a smooth, controlled movement, with a good stop at the end position. The intensity is light. The purpose of this exercise is to stretch out the hips, especially the back leg, by opening out the hips and changing the foot position, which targets the inner thigh. The reaching out of the arms helps in intensifying the hip stretch.

5. Camel Pose

Start in a kneeling position with good alignment. Put your hands on your hips or pelvis area. Bring your hips forward and pull your head back as you arch your low back and midback area.

Camel Pose

Perform one set of 3 reps in a smooth, controlled movement, with a good stop at the end. The intensity is light. This exercise has two purposes. First, stretching out the front of the hips, hitting the hip flexors and the quads. Second, improving the mobility or movement in the low back, which helps in loosening up the hips.

Give these five hip-opening yoga poses a go. These exercises will help you in relieving your hip pain.

If you want to release your hip flexors for more strength, better health and all-day energy instantly, then click here to check out the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program!

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

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